I'm one day late but for good reason: today is the photographer who came to the studio to create shots for driving in Nice on which we have purchased a couple of advertisements and the event has already caused by three days the absolute panic.
How we dress? Where do you photograph? And how do we get?
the curator of the guide was decided that one of our portrait would be necessary, since we do not sell products, but projects, we have no items to display or displays to be created.
But being happy here ...
Anyone who knows me knows I is not that you do not love me but she does not photograph stand it (mostly because I do not ever like me) and Sergio is not very different from me.
Over the weekend, taking advantage of Tea naps, we tried a cloakroom and a half at the end we opted for a white seal and simple: the photographer has appreciated and we hope that, as I suggested, use photoshop filters to remove heavy order wrinkles, fat and dark circles.
the verdict in a week and already I see myself crying in despair ...
to distract us and not to stress Tea, Saturday we went to Bordighera look for a sweater (white) for me (no, I did not find) and satisfy the desire to eat "Italian" in one of our restaurants Tracks.
Sunday, in the morning we went into town to look for a old sweater (white) for me (yes, I've found) in the afternoon, as a solemn promise, we have brought tea to the rides, ushering in a hitherto closed to of age: the networks on which to jump like crazy.
Mmmm, let's say that the result was just as we expected because Tea, which starts in the fourth, then stops for a while 'a lot of shyness and fear, but at least the end of the round, we were able to pass them the second and get a jump almost perfect.