Brescia,piazza della Loggia. Il paese che dimentica. Brescia, 28 maggio 1974. 36 anni fa.
Il cielo non promette nulla di buono. Entrano in Piazza della Loggia diecimila sindacalisti, operai, studenti, disoccupati, giovani e vecchi, volti di gente comune. E’ il segno di una civile protesta contro numerosi atti di violenza di gruppi di neofascisti che durano ormai da settimane. Attentati contro offices of the union, cultural clubs, a political activist, attacks on individuals. Speak Castrezzato CISL. Are the 10 and 12 minutes. The rain starts to beat a thousand dense open umbrellas, raincoats on, on the jackets. His words will be swallowed sideways.
"... well ... I have come to light leading men who have sex with the terrorists of the Piazza Fontana and direct way between Turin and Rome, are also in the light bombs, guns, dynamite, explosives of all kinds. We are confronted with secretly plots woven by those who have means and targets. Milan .... Stand still ... stay calm, stay calm. Were inside the square, the service order face cord around the square, were inside the square. We invite everyone to take to the stage, come under the stage, stay calm, make way for the White Cross, left the pitch, let the passage of the machines, all in Piazza della Vittoria, Piazza della Vittoria in all. "
Eight dead. Ninety-four injured, some seriously. Five teachers, two workers, a senior. Not even a smile, a suspect, a word, not even a fraction of the time, just enough to realize that in a trash can, under the arcades of Piazza della Loggia, a man has placed a bomb just before the highest potential.
Brescia, 16 November 2010. 36 years later.
The judges of the Court of Assizes discharges for lack of evidence by the prosecution of five defendants had organized and carried out the massacre.
acquitted the two former members of the neo-fascist group Ordine Nuovo, Delphi Zorzi, Carlo Maria Maggi. Acquaintance
Maurizio Tramonte, who has worked in the CIS (the former military intelligence), and the Carabinieri General Francesco Delfino.
acquitted the former secretary of the MSI, the Italian Social Movement, Pino Rauti.
Even 36 years later.
Five inquiry, the accused as Ermanno Buzzi killed in the prison of Novara in 1981 by neo-fascists and Pierluigi Concutelli Mario Tuti while he was collaborating with the law, repeated allegations and retractions of repentant serious screening of men institutions, removal of important documentary evidence from officials infidels services, reticence, silence, then convictions, acquittals, sentences and even acquittals, to the last. The decision yesterday
have certainly weighed the exculpatory statements for the latest massacre of Piazza Fontana in Milan and police, as some defendants were common to the new investigation into the square of the Lodge.
is not normal that a country takes 36 years to bring to justice the perpetrators and instigators of killings and brutal policies such as the Piazza della Loggia, Piazza Fontana (December 12, 1969), police in Milan (May 17, 1973), train Italicus (August 4, 1974), who is not seeking the masterminds for the massacre at Bologna train station (August 2, 1980) and the rapid 904 (December 23, 1984), particularly a policy that still does not make operational the implementing regulations of the Law on State Secrets dismissed by Parliament four years ago.
And what could have happened because Italy has lost its historical memory, because nothing that happened in modern history (political assassinations and massacres, with hundreds dead, thousands wounded terrorist black and red), is written in the books text of the new generations.
In a country that forgets, the past never goes away.
"The only thing I think about those eight are innocent victims," \u200b\u200bsaid Manlio bitter Milani, President Association of victims of the massacre of Piazza della Loggia.
One can only agree with him.
Daniel Biacchessi