Saturday, January 29, 2011

Tendonitis From Breast Feeding

A pecora è meglio

Su FB le donne reclamano il loro cervello e protestano contro la mercificazione dell'immagine femminile mettendo come foto profilo, la foto di una donna che ha lasciato il segno.
Risultato: Fb si riempie di facce di morte.
Che pecore le donne.
Bè, io dico no. Dico no alle pecore.
Meglio a pecora, che con le pecore.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bible Black Subbed Stream

Se alle riunioni sorrido

1. Il mondo occidentale è da sempre fondamentalmente patriarcale; ha sempre affidato agli uomini il potere. Quando gli imperi erano elettivi, così come in epoche pseudo-democratiche come la nostra, ciò ha generato una forte competitività tra i baldi giovani. Con le prime cosce scoperte suffraggette by all, alas, has changed. The women began voting, but they are even today far from the mastery of knowledge and political affairs of state: they prefer an interest in shoes, hair, cooking, shopping, gym ... rather than read a newspaper (usually the address book of reportage on Vanity Fair arouses in them the same effect as an intelligent man, but poor and ugly: give it a look and turn the page). So, to take power in an increasingly bitter and competitive as ours still firmly male, women have developed a troiaggine which man can possibly aspire. To go in power she has to deal with examples of the opposite sex, the race has always been: if he wins, it means that a bitch is unfair.

2. The woman is menstruating. Linked to the cycle of the moon, is, therefore, strongly dominated by his things. Can not fight against his mood swings, or against his desire to give birth, which, if hidden, repressed, or worse still not satisfied, turns to fuel his rise in society.

3. The woman is sentimental. He shoots a lot of mental blowjobs. This makes the mother or stepmother also against the subject. The door to manage the affairs largely in sweetened and buttery. This does not is relevant to the situation and crisis causes acute blood glucose in those who must listen.

4. The woman has no practical sense, time is not effective, nor logic. If not when does the cleaning or preparing a cake.

So that, bitch, if you smile at the meetings, just to take the piss.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

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Il nostro Micione in competizione!!!


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Car Dealership Cover Letter

S come supermercato

Headache from the first day of the cycle. I'm going to let me go shopping. I'm masochistic.
L'aria è umidiccia, la provinciale ha il nome che si merita: è una linea retta che taglia a metà una piana umida e indifferente. Il supermercato offre l'illusione candida di un'altra dimensione. I bip dei prodotti passati in cassa è un canto di usignoli artificiali, la luce abbagliante dei neon rincoglionisce.
Sosto davanti agli assorbenti "è", ma costano 4 euro al pacco, contro i 3.90 per due pacchi dei Lines Seta Ultra. Ripiego su un salvaslip all'Aloe vera.
Al banco salumi, una bimba reclama "il salamino", ma il papà le concede solo una fetta, perchè decide che si compra il prosciutto crudo.
Cedo di fronte alla crostata scontata del 30%, con un sottile guilt. I fight throwing in the cart a stack of rice cakes. They suck, but they say they do well.
Checkout the lady in front of me is stonewalling on my spending. Shit, go 'forward sciura. Appearance.
There's nothing interesting about me, not even in my cart. Fidaty The hope is green. A more artificial you can not.
I stand before the bar of premiums. "The teddy bears with plaid is double or single?" "Single-meets-the officer is a blanket." In fact I do not know why I asked, but it will be mine.

Torno, slicing Cockroach of the fog with my ring. I GPL. The attendant looks cool, but greets me with the item to be gay. That typical ciaaaaaooo with A and O prolonged.
I think that while I was putting my products in the cart, I counted them, one by one. Like a mantra to get away from it all.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Why Does My Testicle Moves Up

La merda rosa -ossia della parità dei diritti, anche nella toilette-

I got a ride on some blog for women. They all speak
heel twelve trandyssime shows the alternative intellectual Marras, of how to deal with premenstrual syndrome or have a relationship to last through chastity, Love-Shuya buttocks and proud thanks to Reebok EasyTone.
But this shit .. but the writer has in mind as has become a woman of twenty-first century? What are your problems?
; ; ... YOUR NEEDS??
Or is it just me having a lot of gray hair at 30 years, his pajamas at 10 pm, with spots of Ugly Betty, poor sexual references, and, above all, an abdominal swelling that can compromise any Bifidus Acti Regularis at least a couple of times a week?
no mention of how he started this, week.
were three days that I did not do a shit with his eyes and deny the supposed Carlo Erba.
Monday, for (s) Fortunately, I woke up and the cap is party: a toast to a good start.
I thought it was a riot quelled.
few hours later, in college, I changed my mind. Just as the prof. made the call, I felt the slight abdominal cramps, which gradually have become increasingly intense, to take me straight to the toilet, which I greeted with a sudden wound. Other
that firm the buttocks, sometimes for a woman, the only problem is cleaning them.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

How To Get A Beard On Poptropica

Shopping Maniac

God, who knows the title it seems. Yesterday I had a friend with giringiro G. I took a friend to another regaluccio G. and then I found several items that I have done to escape: the shorts of jeans that I tried for centuries and found in the balance da Zara a 9€. Saldi invernali. Notare. Poi una cintura di cuoio marrone con borchie anche quella in saldo da Zara a 6€. Completo il tutto con una maglietta di quelle che sembrano usate, scucite, con una stampa improbabile in bianconero consumata sul davanti. Pochieuro. Una fermata da Kiko e qualche cosmetico a condire il tutto. Il risultato è una sferzata di autostima donata dai trucchi e dagli specchi snellenti di Zara (oh, sono troppo furbi, mi sentivo Giselle con quegli shorts... anche se poi messa al suo fianco somiglierei più ad una pagnotta toscana). Ora non resta che aspettare la bella stagione, o quel volo per i tropici tanto atteso, e darci dentro con un po' di attività fisica...che non fa mai male.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Polaroid Instant Camera Seattle


The borders of France is broken, the hero moves only, but in front of her was empty. No enemy to defeat, no battles to be won. The fight is with themselves, for some. Ideally, move the steps, cause to be alone, feel alone, not alone. France is metamorphosed. E 'bionic creature in evolution, a shapeshifter. No war to win, no enemy to defeat, only the power of the ideals that guide the hero with slow steps against the void. It is not averted. There is no contrast. No alliance. Only peace silent footsteps of the horse sinking in wet mud. Come to think of Do not think this mud shit? Shit, maybe yes. La Franca, however, the stench, the stench of foul-smelling and slippery magma does not care, because it rises and when it wants, it can give a shot of reins and run away from the swamp. Then the horse will turn into unicorns and will be able to understand that the enemy can not see why on the earth in the form of other living species.
return to us. Brianza, January 9, 2011. Ore 10.38.
I'd feel more comfortable if I got pregnant as a teenager, like Juno. I would feel more comfortable in the superhero series Misfits as unlucky. I'd feel more at home in Baltimore, find their way into the team of Lt. Cedric Daniels, or pages of Crime and Punishment when Raskolnikov and Sonia read the Gospel. I feel more comfortable in the silence of a church, in front of a fireplace, under the covers, along with a book. I'd feel more comfortable in. But this does not mean it is not well. I'm fine. But the borders with France and broken. It's no going back.
That has opened the era of freedom?

That truth, of course, my re (g) wings heroines. The ranks are broken. But it is time for peace. Armies can reform itself, a new era is coming. An age unknown, but more profoundly significant.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How Do You Stop Fish Swimming Into The Filter

Zoo News 12 Bet

Anno nuovo, Zoo Nuovo...o no???

12esima puntata dallo Zoo di BandaRadio, dopo i deliri di fine anno ricominciano le news e la routine in redazione riesce a convivere con il kaos allegramente.

Oroscopo 2011 scritto da astronomi di fiducia, ma...rivisitato dallo Zoo

Ospite speciale dalla quotidianità di tante...Susanna la Casalinga è nello Zoo insieme agli animali invasati che ancora festeggiano le feste che hanno festeggiato...

il M° Mozart sente strane voci e vede animali sconosciuti,
ma continua con la sua rubrica V.I.P con ospite fisso Willie Sindaco

SpaziodagliSpaziCheViviamo procede con news dall'Aquila e...

Eky, Kiki svicolano dalle insidie che offre lo studio....and...Idrofonico Music Selection! :::AmplificaLaTuaResistenza:::