Sunday, June 21, 2009

Men Size 15 Ice Skates

The energy certification

buildings Energy certification is a mandatory compliance required by L. 10/91 revised and supplemented by Legislative Decree no. 192/2005 and subsequently recovered from the Leg. 311/06.La energy certification of buildings and in buildings is an obligation and is essentially a certificate (certificate) issued by qualified personnel, can attest to the consumption of existing buildings. Please note this is not a document devoid of content or meaning to our professional signature sostanzialeIl assumes responsibility for what you said for ten anni.Il consumption buildings clearly depends on many factors such as limited and not limited to: type of masonry, degree of illumination, hours of sun exposure, size of windows, there is thermal insulation as well as the type of plants in it contenuti.Produrre certification energy means buildings and then make a statement CONSIDERING that takes all these factors create a complex document called the certificate energetica.Tutta this procedure for building energy certification was needed? The answer is yes although so far only a few regions, including in Lombardy, Emilia Romagna and Liguria have given way to this practice. Energy certification was designed to reduce energy consumption at the global level: as it sceglieun appliance (eg air conditioning) that consumes very little, in a not too distant future we will choose a home not only for the various factors that characterize it today (position , distance and quality of services, noise, etc.. etc.) but also on the basis of its consumption in KW.
With this practice you will soon issue the energy benefits for many categories:
- in the construction industry will be increasingly directed to the restructuring of energy expenditure containment;
- for professionals will develop specific figures operating in the energy sector
- for the cittatini tutti che avranno in mano uno strumento con il quale poter scegliere l’appartamento anche in base ai consumi e non solo in base alla finiture;
- per la Nazione tutta per la ricaduta in termini di sostenibilità energetica e ambientale dovuti al miglioramento delle prestazioni energetiche del parco edilizio.

Geotermica Saval Srl - impianti geotermici di climatizzazione


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