Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tissues In Finger Cut

Eh eh eh, scrivendo mi viene anche un po' da ridere perchè, dopo aver convinto tutti che i troppi impegni non permettevano di seguire il blog quotidianamente ed aver temuto di avere troppe cose da scrivere in un solo post, mi sono ritrovata a vivere tre giorni fra i più fiacchi degli ultimi tempi, causa... l'otite di Tea che, seppure a detta della pediatra è la meno grave delle tre avute, a noi seems to be particularly tenacious and tough. Tea
Yesterday was fine, so we are convinced that today was Friday and would definitely go to the creche and instead had a relapse this morning: nothing serious, just annoying tenths of a degree above the temperature that made us choose keep her at home until Monday.
E 'then with embarrassment that I admit the lack of arguments, unless there is some interest excerpt from "Monstres & cie." or the amazing story of a certain Little Red Riding Hood (I tried to alternate with "The Sleeping Beauty" but as in the book of fairy tales at the beginning of the story is a picture of a mouse sleeping, I can not unrivet Tea URL of battle "sleep, sleep!" is therefore not far beyond the "once upon a time"). In the meantime we
(ams have) ended the extra cleaning and office, otitis permitting, at the end of next week should be operating at 90%.
From here on Monday, again depending on the conditions of Tea, we have a rich program of cultural activities and surroundings: to bring Tea to cut hair in the brand new show dedicated solely to children (they assured me that they know how to hold to your children since of age and over), take a tram Tea because it is in love with him and have promised to visit an exhibition at the Musée d'Arts ASIATIQUES ("Treasures Buddhism in the land of Genghis Khan) that if we lose it and there no end and, of course, clean the house that never hurts.
paraphrase a famous movie ("The plane in Love"): I chose the wrong day to stop writing the blog ...

The angle of the quote (and woe to those who criticize "Victor")
Le reve du Heros, c'est d'etre partout grand et petit chez son pere. (Victor Hugo)
"The desire is to be a hero for all big and small for his father."


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