Sunday, January 31, 2010

Basic Laundry Equipement List

tossicchiando a destra e a manca

A bit 'for my recovering from bronchitis which proves tougher than expected, a little 'Tea for protecting that when there is a virus around and tends to attract and retain a bit' to avoid another week to Sergio type "sos infirmary, this weekend we We held out by too much, eating too much, too much talk and too much sleep.
short, as we can and try to resist, despite the fact that tonight Tea made us fear the sixth ear infections, also may be able to win the war.
Nice is in the midst of preparations for the upcoming Carnival and also at the School of Tea have announced the much anticipated costume party to be held next Thursday and that, for a change, parents will be strictly prohibited (uffi!).
Ovviamente ci stiamo già preparando e sappiate che il costume, sebbene non ancora terminato, già c'è: coloro che volessero cimentarsi con un indovinello, visto che non ho intenzione di rivelare niente prima del tempo, sappiano che Tea diventerà la protagonista dell'unica fiaba in stile "c'era una volta" che conosce.
Niente di più sarà aggiunto e quindi non ci provate nemmeno a ricattare...
Io mi sto preparando al grande rientro nella vita civile e sociale e a riprendere un ritmo di giornata più intenso e meno sonnacchioso.
Francamente non vedo l'ora perchè anche questa domenica, forzatamente tranquilla, mi sta parecchio innervosendo.
Oggi splende anche un sole meraviglioso e siccome il fourth floor has the great merit of enjoying a wonderful warm natural light could be written about that you feel the spring: a pity that you do not see the sea ...
Yesterday we put a big sign on the agenda other staff of Tea: for the first time rose by one on a ride and did take seriously its role as a pilot (grandfather U can be proud of his talents!).


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