Italians in Nevada - USA
are nearing completion in Churchill County (Nevada), two innovative geothermal of Enel North America. The entry into production of Stillwater and Salt Wells, Enel said in a statement, will help 'the objective of the American state to achieve 20% of production from renewable sources by 2015. With a capacity
'gross installed capacity of 65 MW, the two plants will produce about 400 million kilowatt hours per year to meet the needs of some 40,000 American households, thus avoiding' the emission of over 300 000 tonnes of CO2. "Based on its experience in Italy-centennial said Francesco Starace, Director of the new Renewable Energy Division, Enel and 'now the protagonist of geothermal energy in the United States with a system already' operating and a portfolio of projects in advanced stages of developing a capacity for 'more than 150 MW in Nevada, California and Utah.
TAG: The M P I A N T I G E O T E R M I A
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