Enhanced Geothermal Systems Geothermal
Enhanced Geothermal Systems
Source: Dr. Ing Giorgio Santucci - EGS Association - Milan
The availability of energy sources renewable or not, is the subject of constant attention in our country, the energy sector and possible active responses, including the development of renewable energy and nuclear power in the Italian loomed return, are the subject of ongoing debates in the media between the energies geothermal sources indicate very promising, but much neglected today: a Larderello (Tuscany) geothermal energy is obtained from the ENEL 20% of the total regional energy (2% nationally) at competitive costs. Geothermal energy is "traditional" is only possible in very favorable geological conditions, are then regarded as a phenomenon of local and niche. Our country also presents us with significant deposits "nontraditional" exploited by the "enhanced geothermal" - EGS (Enhanced Geothermal Systems), how "artificial geothermal" but in need of innovative technologies, now in its initial state, and little known in Italy and studied at all. In the '80s, with the first energy crisis, the minister Donat Cattin, required (forced) ENEL and ENI to cooperate on geothermal, through such cooperation are a thousand Italian geothermally exploration areas are more favorable, drawing a map of geothermal potential overall.
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