Sunday, January 4, 2009

Candesartan And Migraine

The deep geothermal geothermal energy certification

France can now boast of having a world record is the first nation that has managed to operate a geothermal system, HDR (Hot Dry Rock) geothermal fluids that do not use pre-existing underground (as in Larderello or in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mountains in Naples Flegrei), but the steam generated by a flow Water pumped from the surface to a depth, in this case, of 5,000 m.La particularity of HDR is that it is necessary to have a volcanic area or an area of \u200b\u200bgeothermal anomalies.
are sufficient (a) only the temperature gradient in the deep subsurface, as is known, is about 30K each 1,000 m (b) a deep layer of rocks arranged in a manner that is cracked and made permeable to water vapor .
The steam generated in depth is conveyed through a conduit to the surface and used here by giving the heat to organic working fluid that convert thermal energy into electricity using a Rankine thermodynamic cycle. Such systems are also known as ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle)
The system of Soultz-sous-ForĂȘts has a 1.5 MW turbine and enters a regime in the spring of 2008 when the plant will be connected to the power of Strasbourg. The geological study began in 1987 and executive project started in 2000 and only this year has arrived when starting the system ahead of Switzerland.
Water injected at 5000 m depth is vaporized at 200 ° C. The steam produced at the surface reaches a temperature of 175 ° C at a rate of 35 liters per second (in the technical details do not provide the pressure of work). The system is closed loop. The steam has transferred heat to the organic fluid, condensation and is pumped back deep. After this startup phase, will be confirmed if the benefits provided in the project, the plant will be expanded to 10 MW by 2015. Subsequently provided the industrial development of the system and its marketing.

TAG: The M P The A N T I G E O T And R M I A


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