The Polo School, after approval of the EPP 'ex Borma area, with successive stages, is taking shape to transform the feasibility studies in buildings. Currently, community leaders are engaged in finding optimal solutions that achieve a work that, in addition to ensuring that all students learn in the best environmental and educational uses as possible sources of renewable energy and building materials ecocompatibili.L ' introduction is required to announce by the Councillor for Public Works and School Julie Ice, "in upcoming meetings with the head teacher of media Bella, Professor Gatti, operators with the school, union representatives and architects of the Province. Meetings are considered introductory evolution towards the school buildings of Polo, to be built, after approval of the PPE occurred during the City Council of 28 November. "He also claims the commissioner Ice cream:" Today the level of detail allows us to sketch out some of the lines that characterize the construction project, first of all the energy game for Polo school that is a model for the use of advanced technologies. First of all the geothermal , which is a fantastic resource in our area, as we are experiencing at the Convention Center area Bathroom with excellent results. "No less attention is given to the development of viable network to enable fast access and efficient flow . Always Councillor Ice says: "It is astonishing to read disappunto nelle parole del Pd, riguardo al contributo di 1.900,00 euro dato dal privato e pare evidente che l'area di 8 mila metri quadrati, concessa a titolo gratuito, e il contributo previsto sino alla costruzione dell'ultima soletta dell'edificio della scuola materna consegnata "chiavi in mano" siano una considerevole partecipazione da parte del privato all'interesse pubblico. Evidente anche che il completamento degli impianti del medesimo edificio e dell'arredo sarà a carico dell'amministrazione comunale, che si troverà comunque sgravata di un costo di quasi due milioni di euro".
TAG: I M P I A N T The G E O T E R M I A
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