Che emozione questi lutin!
Monday afternoon, when I went to take the Tea crèche, Anne, the teacher asked me if I would go the next day.
Where? (I had no idea ...)
"There are Christmas carols and if he can 'come and sing."
In theory, the book which should facilitate communication between schools and parents we spoke with a Dec. 15 Christmas songs but it was stated that they could participate.
Imagine, an invitation to sing, without specimens, to me that I love the songs of Christmas as it was put in a pastry shop and say "It 's yours!".
So the next day, half an hour earlier than usual, and so a small group of parents, I would say most mothers of a father, he found himself out of the class of chicks waiting for the MESTRA Anne desse l'ok per farci entrare.
L'unico dato di cui eravamo a conoscenza era che ci era stato chiesto di vestire i bimbi con una maglietta rossa.
Quando è arrivato il momento, siamo entrati (in totale sei o sette persone), un po' trepidanti e molto emozionati e ci siamo trovati davanti a due file di seggioline in stile "sette nani" pronte per farci accomodare e ad un gruppetto stupefatto di gnometti rossi con tanto di cappellino dal pom-pom rosso.
Credo che i bambini fossero circa una decina e sette piangevano per la sorpresa e la novità: non appena vedevano entrare un genitore piangevano anche di più o iniziavano a farlo. Gli unici due o tre impassibili erano quelli i cui genitori non erano potuti venire.
Insomma, la scena era buffa e drammatica al tempo stesso, soprattutto per le maestre (c'era anche quella di inglese per i canti in lingua straniera eh eh) che pero' sono state coraggiose e divertenti.
I canti erano piu' che altro dei balletti e i genitori, che avrebbero potuto cantare, erano troppo timidi per farlo (io pero', che ho scoperto di avere un po' di sfacciatagine nelle mie corde, ci ho provato e ho anche abbozzato un "bravo à la maitresse Anne!" per cercare di incoraggiarla un po' nell'affrontare un'impresa a mio avviso davvero titanica).
Come si dice in genere, tutto è bene quel che finisce bene e cosi' è stato anche in questo caso con baci ed abbracci finali e consegna di bellissimi quaderni personalizzati e alberelli per decorare la casa fatti direttamente dai bambini.
Per chi se lo fosse chiesto, i lutin sono gli gnometti che aiutano Babbo Natale a preparare i pacchettini regalo.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Check Balance Prepaid Usaa Card
Pacchi di vario genere
Finalmente oggi abbiamo ricevuto il contratto firmato per l'affitto della nuova casa e quindi è ufficiale: da domani possiamo iniziare i preparativi per riuscire a trasferirci entro la fine dell'anno che, improvvisamente, ci appare vicinissima.
Ammettiamo che il nuovo appartamento non è paragonabile al quinto piano, anche per colpa dei soliti proprietari italiani che, contrariamente a quello che fanno tutti gli altri stranieri che qui a Nizza hanno comprato delle case per ammobiliarle e poi affittarle, hanno utilizzato gli scarti di precedenti traslochi for "do matter", but anyway we will try to make it a welcoming place for those who want to visit us.
Meanwhile in other office packages are finding their way to carry our Christmas greetings to some friends and associates, we are so late that desperate to make it in time!
Today we also lost the morning to try to solve the problem of our health insurance card, we have discovered that I was registered regularly, though not as it should be borne Tea, but no one had informed me, rather than Sergio, who arrive communications virtually every day, there is officially nowhere.
Even the clerk was able to explain l'enigma: noi speriamo almeno che la sua promessa di farci avere una immatricolazione temporanea entro una settimana venga mantenuta.
Per la tessera defintiva ci ha chiesto speranza e fedeltà perchè ci vorranno almeno due mesi.
Stasera ricomincio le respirazioni rilassanti...
Finalmente oggi abbiamo ricevuto il contratto firmato per l'affitto della nuova casa e quindi è ufficiale: da domani possiamo iniziare i preparativi per riuscire a trasferirci entro la fine dell'anno che, improvvisamente, ci appare vicinissima.
Ammettiamo che il nuovo appartamento non è paragonabile al quinto piano, anche per colpa dei soliti proprietari italiani che, contrariamente a quello che fanno tutti gli altri stranieri che qui a Nizza hanno comprato delle case per ammobiliarle e poi affittarle, hanno utilizzato gli scarti di precedenti traslochi for "do matter", but anyway we will try to make it a welcoming place for those who want to visit us.
Meanwhile in other office packages are finding their way to carry our Christmas greetings to some friends and associates, we are so late that desperate to make it in time!
Today we also lost the morning to try to solve the problem of our health insurance card, we have discovered that I was registered regularly, though not as it should be borne Tea, but no one had informed me, rather than Sergio, who arrive communications virtually every day, there is officially nowhere.
Even the clerk was able to explain l'enigma: noi speriamo almeno che la sua promessa di farci avere una immatricolazione temporanea entro una settimana venga mantenuta.
Per la tessera defintiva ci ha chiesto speranza e fedeltà perchè ci vorranno almeno due mesi.
Stasera ricomincio le respirazioni rilassanti...
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Radio Stations That Play Panic At The Disco
Arriva il Natale!
In questi giorni mi capita spesso di pensare a cosa stessimo facendo l'anno scorso di questi tempi, quando eravamo a Nizza solo da pochi giorni.
Mi chiedo se siamo cambiati in questo anno, se sono cambiate le nostre percezioni della città o i nostri sentimenti.
Per curiosità sono andata a vedere quando l'avventura del blog è iniziata: era il 5 dicembre 2008 e quindi, ufficialmente, è più di un anno that "NICE, fifth floor," saw the light.
Christmas brings with it a bit 'of harmless nostalgia and rediscover the city as we know it began to move me a bit' and excites me greatly. We love our
this very nice, the colors of the sea, its sun always warm, friendly people and its normal and "out" and a bit 'sad, its magnificent architecture and elegant and abundant green and cured, the Coffee that in December you can 'drink and sit out the baguette hot even at seven in the evening, the promenade full of people running or walking law is arguing ride in the bath.
And even if the episodes infastidenti fateful and there have been and will not fail, we're happy and excited the choice we made, especially for tea, who knows how to say 'apo' "to" chapeau "(hat) but also" not yet "to" still do not go to bed "and that surprised us today with a" Papa Noel "(" Father Christmas "in French family).
In questi giorni mi capita spesso di pensare a cosa stessimo facendo l'anno scorso di questi tempi, quando eravamo a Nizza solo da pochi giorni.
Mi chiedo se siamo cambiati in questo anno, se sono cambiate le nostre percezioni della città o i nostri sentimenti.
Per curiosità sono andata a vedere quando l'avventura del blog è iniziata: era il 5 dicembre 2008 e quindi, ufficialmente, è più di un anno that "NICE, fifth floor," saw the light.
Christmas brings with it a bit 'of harmless nostalgia and rediscover the city as we know it began to move me a bit' and excites me greatly. We love our
this very nice, the colors of the sea, its sun always warm, friendly people and its normal and "out" and a bit 'sad, its magnificent architecture and elegant and abundant green and cured, the Coffee that in December you can 'drink and sit out the baguette hot even at seven in the evening, the promenade full of people running or walking law is arguing ride in the bath.
And even if the episodes infastidenti fateful and there have been and will not fail, we're happy and excited the choice we made, especially for tea, who knows how to say 'apo' "to" chapeau "(hat) but also" not yet "to" still do not go to bed "and that surprised us today with a" Papa Noel "(" Father Christmas "in French family).
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Wedding Monogram Plastic Cups
Nonna Imma e il Natale al quinto piano
I apologize for the delay, but yesterday I had neither ready nor the photographs are genuine, the energy to write anything.
But the fact that nobody has complained that it makes me think:
a) I lost all players;
b) the players are not lost but is too busy with Christmas preparations did not notice that on Monday, the blog is missing;
c) all of my readers know by now that punctuality is not my honor.
However, our days were held in the name of Imma presence of her grandmother who arrived in Nice on Friday to celebrate the feast of the Immaculate.
Again, as for grandparents Brescia, neither the grandmother nor the grandson were minimally expressed their emotions, apart from 4387650620 47367925012745 hugs and buckets of tears that have been paid.
Nice, meanwhile, was quietly dressed in their Sunday best: place Massena shines with beautiful and unusual plays of light (Tea has enjoyed like crazy to try to "catch" those who ran amok on the ground like balls), the nearby gardens, in addition to the legendary Ferris wheel that has returned once again, we are enriched by a dedicated path to Russia matryoshkas and wonderful Santa Claus and hand-painted wood, not far away, small little wooden stalls of the Christmas market heat the air (actually not at all cold) with thousands of colors and scents .
We are looking at every way to soak in the atmosphere natalazia Tea, telling of the nativity scene and Santa and fury of books (even the teacher Anne there has lent a), songs, rhymes and doodles perhaps something we have achieved.
For a number of organizational reasons, we will spend our Christmas in Brescia and the decorations will not be worthy of the name (on the fifth floor will have only the bare minimum due to the relocation): at home my tree has always been done only after the arrival of Saint Lucia, December 13, and this year will be different also because Sergio has to pick it up in Milan (and do not ask me why we have brought back after the Christmas 'last year).
From next year (not to be confused too Tea), I am sure that Saint Lucia will make a move to Nice and we will see some beautiful eprchè also do not think the teacher Anne has books on this legend ...
I apologize for the delay, but yesterday I had neither ready nor the photographs are genuine, the energy to write anything.
But the fact that nobody has complained that it makes me think:
a) I lost all players;
b) the players are not lost but is too busy with Christmas preparations did not notice that on Monday, the blog is missing;
c) all of my readers know by now that punctuality is not my honor.
However, our days were held in the name of Imma presence of her grandmother who arrived in Nice on Friday to celebrate the feast of the Immaculate.
Again, as for grandparents Brescia, neither the grandmother nor the grandson were minimally expressed their emotions, apart from 4387650620 47367925012745 hugs and buckets of tears that have been paid.
Nice, meanwhile, was quietly dressed in their Sunday best: place Massena shines with beautiful and unusual plays of light (Tea has enjoyed like crazy to try to "catch" those who ran amok on the ground like balls), the nearby gardens, in addition to the legendary Ferris wheel that has returned once again, we are enriched by a dedicated path to Russia matryoshkas and wonderful Santa Claus and hand-painted wood, not far away, small little wooden stalls of the Christmas market heat the air (actually not at all cold) with thousands of colors and scents .
We are looking at every way to soak in the atmosphere natalazia Tea, telling of the nativity scene and Santa and fury of books (even the teacher Anne there has lent a), songs, rhymes and doodles perhaps something we have achieved.
For a number of organizational reasons, we will spend our Christmas in Brescia and the decorations will not be worthy of the name (on the fifth floor will have only the bare minimum due to the relocation): at home my tree has always been done only after the arrival of Saint Lucia, December 13, and this year will be different also because Sergio has to pick it up in Milan (and do not ask me why we have brought back after the Christmas 'last year).
From next year (not to be confused too Tea), I am sure that Saint Lucia will make a move to Nice and we will see some beautiful eprchè also do not think the teacher Anne has books on this legend ...
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Jenna Jameson Free Film Streaming
La "grippe A" a Nizza ovvero della febbre e delle otiti
Today I dedicate this post to those who were wondering how the emergency is dealt with in France "swine flu" and were curious about the climate that reigns in schools or at least in the school of Tea.
Today I dedicate this post to those who were wondering how the emergency is dealt with in France "swine flu" and were curious about the climate that reigns in schools or at least in the school of Tea.
Anche qui, ovviamente, siamo stati inondati dalle notizie, contrastanti e confuse, che a giorni alterni volevano che la "grippe" fosse o una semplice e comune influenza o la malattia del secolo e anche qui, soprattutto fra coloro che vivono con i cosiddetti soggetti a rischio (anziani, bambini e malati), chiaramente un po' di panico si è creato, forse anche perché la grande campagna pubblica di vaccinazione volontaria che è iniziata già da qualche settimana ha fatto pensare all'arrivo di una nuova peste bubbonica o alle immagini, per chi se le ricorda, dello sceneggiato "I sopravvissuti".
Tutto sommato, pero', il clima resta sereno e, sebbene ci siano state scuole o classi chiuse (anche da noi), nessuno seems to be panicked or perhaps, to be honest, the only school personnel that is under-dimensioned in relation to daily needs: it takes less than two assistants and a teacher out of shape so that the whole system goes into crisis.
School Tea is especially more quiet and peaceful, despite the fact that only one class is closed and that the cases identified were all recognized as curable in a few days (this is the anomaly of a fever that you want to be a mortal but the other part is treated with the usual fever), objects and classes are disinfected three times a day and receive many emails to pacify but also empower the families who have an obligation to take home children who may have symptoms attributable to the "grippe A".
The chicks live serene and strangely, in this period, almost all are present and healthy, I would say that the class live longer and emergency otitis Tea is a contest with Maxime by the number of ear infections monthly (for 4 hours of ).
I tend to be fatalistic and not even looking for the dangers I think that Tea has the right to live without feeling calm the anxieties of parents, Sergio, temperamentally a bit more anxious, you force but he also agrees with the stupidity of certain attitudes and excessive verging on catastrophe.
tomorrow Imma grandma and Tea facing day of games and cuddles, decisamente i festeggiamenti di Natale sono iniziati per tempo...
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