Today I dedicate this post to those who were wondering how the emergency is dealt with in France "swine flu" and were curious about the climate that reigns in schools or at least in the school of Tea.
Anche qui, ovviamente, siamo stati inondati dalle notizie, contrastanti e confuse, che a giorni alterni volevano che la "grippe" fosse o una semplice e comune influenza o la malattia del secolo e anche qui, soprattutto fra coloro che vivono con i cosiddetti soggetti a rischio (anziani, bambini e malati), chiaramente un po' di panico si è creato, forse anche perché la grande campagna pubblica di vaccinazione volontaria che è iniziata già da qualche settimana ha fatto pensare all'arrivo di una nuova peste bubbonica o alle immagini, per chi se le ricorda, dello sceneggiato "I sopravvissuti".
Tutto sommato, pero', il clima resta sereno e, sebbene ci siano state scuole o classi chiuse (anche da noi), nessuno seems to be panicked or perhaps, to be honest, the only school personnel that is under-dimensioned in relation to daily needs: it takes less than two assistants and a teacher out of shape so that the whole system goes into crisis.
School Tea is especially more quiet and peaceful, despite the fact that only one class is closed and that the cases identified were all recognized as curable in a few days (this is the anomaly of a fever that you want to be a mortal but the other part is treated with the usual fever), objects and classes are disinfected three times a day and receive many emails to pacify but also empower the families who have an obligation to take home children who may have symptoms attributable to the "grippe A".
The chicks live serene and strangely, in this period, almost all are present and healthy, I would say that the class live longer and emergency otitis Tea is a contest with Maxime by the number of ear infections monthly (for 4 hours of ).
I tend to be fatalistic and not even looking for the dangers I think that Tea has the right to live without feeling calm the anxieties of parents, Sergio, temperamentally a bit more anxious, you force but he also agrees with the stupidity of certain attitudes and excessive verging on catastrophe.
tomorrow Imma grandma and Tea facing day of games and cuddles, decisamente i festeggiamenti di Natale sono iniziati per tempo...
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