Certo non ci lamentiamo!
I try to bring all the little and big things that have occurred in recent days but the number is not insignificant, which is why I struggled to maintain the commitment of the blog, it's really a great challenge for my memory asphyxiated.
- A first novelty is that the age of two years and eight months Tea began to want to play in groups: whereas before there was the game alone or perhaps with one person, now is developing a passion for group games (doing a puzzle together, pull the ball back and stand in a circle, dress dolls with distribution to Mom and Dad materials to play).
not tell you our excitement when, for the first time, Tea has called us into her room and offered us to participate in a game!
- Did you know Cagnes Sur Mer is so named because as we wanted to pay homage to a female dog that was saved during the Middle Ages with its barking the inhabitants of the sleepy little village of the enemy invasion? Wake up i. .. cagnosurmaresi were thus able to respond to the attack and defend their freedom.
How do we know? From a nice lady who we met in piadineria (yes, it was not really a day diet ...) and he told us many interesting anecdote about the Nice 60s.
- Countdown to the start of the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the annexation of Nice to France. It seemed to me to see tears to the statue of Garibaldi in the square but did not want to believe in the miracle ...
- Last Saturday we brought tea to the aquarium in Monaco: the shark we saw only embalmed but since the aim was to see "Nemo" does not tell you the joy in the eyes of Tea when you are faced with a tub full of only small clown fish (at least one million!). As good and industrious parents, now we have the plush "Nemo" ...
- Sunday was the turn of Frejus zoo whose visit, because of bad weather, had already missed a couple di volte. Gli adulti sono rimasti un po' delusi dalla condizione del percorso e della struttura in generale che invece potrebbe essere un bellissimo parco visto che si trova immersa in una bellissima pineta. Gli animali, lo ammetto anche se sia io che Sergio siamo contrari al concetto di zoo, erano in perfetta forma e lo spazio concessogli era piuttosto curato ed ampio.
Va beh, Tea non ha avuto occhi che per l'elefante, animale che, credo di non sbagliarmi, insieme alla tigre e al leone (anche per affinità elettive con i protagonisti del film-passione "L'era glaciale"), le fa subito luccicare gli occhi e battere il cuore (così ci sembra...).
A fine giornata il bilancio è stato il seguente: Sergio se l'è cavata con un mal di testa memorabile, io con un 38 di febbre che ancora non riesco a capire da dove sia arrivato e Tea non faceva che parlare delle caprette alle quali ha dato i pomodori da mangiare.
- Abbiamo consegnato il progetto: tutti coloro che leggono il blog possono ufficialmente incrociare le dita delle mani e, come dice Lalla, anche quelle dei piedi.
- A proposito di Lalla: è stata ufficialmente eletta "migliore pizzaiola 2010 e anni a seguire" da una giuria di esperti piuttosto affamati di leccornie sane e succulente. Ancora ne parliamo e stiamo vedendo come organizzare una piccola attività di pizza al taglio nel centro di Nizza con fornitori unicamente mazzolinesi. Successo assicurato.
- Ieri Tea ha fatto una piccola recita a scuola sul tema dei Color: Because school disorganization and the above-named memory asphyxiated, the lords "azzman" were absent. The writer has officially started the list of maternal guilt.
- Saturday and Sunday we will take a little trip to Brescia but tonight we expect an "open Dinatoire" (we guessed that this is a buffet dinner) at home the parents of Gaia and Stephan, two friends and cronies of Tea.
I was asked to bring a fresh Italian and because, like most of you know, I do not have an oven but a mini-oven, I've gotten a good panna cotta accompanied by a dark chocolate sauce (homemade, eh!) or, alternatively, by a more sauce (also the result of my hands).
Sergio would say, "and Sparagna cumparisci" or "Save (time, in this case) and make a good impression.
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