Therefore, you should know that here a long time ago that if the tantrums and normally per tutta la settimana abbiamo delle bellissime giornate assolate, il fine settimana è spesso ammorbato da cieli plumbei e minacce di pioggia.
Noi arriviamo al venerdì con mille piani per far divertire Tea e poi dobbiamo cambiare idea e limitarci a piccole passeggiatine vicino casa.
Stufa di questa ripetitività e viste le previsioni nefaste per il week end appena terminato (confermate), mi sono messa su internet alla ricerca di spunti, scoprendo che a due passi da casa nostra si trova un kapla bar.
A parte Enzo (suppongo), credo che a tutti (compresa la scrivente quando si è trovata davanti la notizia) la cosa non dica nulla e quindi, oltre ad un bel link , I tell you that Kapla (or Kapla, as they say here) are nothing more than a Lego-style game, made up of small blocks of wood and colored with natural colors which can be constructed from the simple to the real figures and their 3D models.
The history of these "Planchettes" is really nice and made me curious: well, given the rain, on Saturday afternoon we decided to go in this bar, very newyorkparigino style, see what he could come up with Tea tablets that are made freely available to children.
Never could we imagine what happened!
Well, we entered the beautiful room, we sat down, ready to lead Tea in the room where the children were ready for baskets and baskets of Kapla when the owners of the bar we were told that tea could not play because the space was rented for a private birthday party.
not tell you the disappointment and the difficulty of having to explain to a Tea to say the least distraught that he simply could not play, nor with those beautiful pieces of wood or with all those kids sitting space with a lively Kapla children.
While Sergio and I sipped our coffee as quickly as possible, Tea continued to watch the kids with shiny eyes and almost every time he tried to approach timidly.
short, and the laugh, the owners have pity, have taken Tea and it was presented to the birthday girl, a fresh "cinquenne" named Carole, who then came to our table to ask if she could invite her to tea party.
Tea in brodissimo of giuggiolissime, was entrusted to the gentle and protective hands of another child, Nicole, about seven or eight years is that if the pampered, spoiled-ri, made her play, 's has made the soul (which was conquered and sometimes she came to tell us what was good and what Tea with Kapla was smiling and nice), the supplier of soft drinks and desserts, in short, a paradise on earth.
OBVIOUSLY, Tea had to wait until the cake (chocolate and delicious, I think, since it still Parlotti with dreamy eyes) and the distribution of favors and bon bon for the guests (including Tea had its bag of candy like everyone else) ... In short, a hit and a double satisfaction because Tea on Saturday reminds us often that he played with the "big kids", something hitherto only dreamed of.
us, we managed to thank everyone, including parents, and giving, dutifully and lasting memory, two beautiful boxes of Kapla, a Carole and Nicole, really a magical girl from Peru's ex-communication and carefree smile enviable.
the remainder of the weekend was held in the name of a traditional and peaceful Labor Day, welcomed by thousands of bunches of lily of the symbolic flower of May 1, also called the fleur du bonheur, "the flower of happiness, provided we have found, on the branch there are at least thirteen flowers.
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