Monday, February 28, 2011
Temporarily Lowering Credit Cardpayment
Sono passati otto anni dalla notte nera di Milano: l'omicidio fascista di Dax e i pestaggi di polizia e carabinieri all'ospedale San Paolo. Ne sono passati dieci dall'omicidio di Stato di Carlo Giuliani e dalla mattanza del G8 genovese. Si muore per i coltelli e le botte dei fascisti e razzisti, si muore per la brutalità dello Stato in strada, in caserma e in carcere. Istituzioni repressive, polizia, carabinieri e guardie carcerarie uccidono, coperti da menzogne e depistaggi.
Continuiamo a ricordare Davide, insieme a Carlo e a tutti gli amici, i compagni e i fratelli uccisi da razzisti, fascisti o dallo Stato, in Italia come in Europa.
Domenica 13 Marzo ore 15
incontro pubblico "Polizia dapperttutto. Giustizia da nessuna parte"
presso il Centro Sociale Barrios (via Barona ang. via Boffalora ), con:
- Patrizia (madre di Federico Aldrovandi)
- presentazione del film"E' Stato morto un ragazzo" di Filippo Vendemmiati,
– i familiari di Dennis Jäckstedt ,un ragazzo tedesco ucciso a sangue freddo da un agente di polizia vicino a Berlino
- Ass. culturale antifascista Dax16Marzo2003
Mercoledì 16 Marzo ore 20.30
ricordo di Dax in via Brioschi:
- reading teatrale (sui 10 anni dalle manifestazioni contro il G8 di Genova del 2001 e dall'omicidio Carlo Giuliani) of the company "CTAS Reloaded" in Milan
- new video presentation, "Long live free and Dax rebel
- measures the ass. antifascist Dax 16Marzo2003, coordination and memory Antifascist Haidi Giuliani. Thursday, March 17
22 hours
csa Baraonda Via Pacinotti 13, Segrate (MI), together with
Mr K, Moretti
Acero not to forget
23 hours Saturday, March 19
Zam Via Olgiati 12 Milan
sound system ska
Four Aces
Trash Milan
For all early 2011 in memory of Dax
Littlestpetshop Paintings
seems that times are changing, even in Cuba
The archetype he wanted the Cuban kind always ready to bring out its machismo, is gradually losing its dominant profile, leaving room for those "different" sexual, that mother nature has provided in his work immense. The machismo is a typical form of attitude that not only is (was) rooted in the Cuban population, but almost all the Latin American continent. In that regard, the Cuban government for years through the Centro Nacional de Educación Sexual (CENESEX) meets this cultural connotations typical of the island, sensitizing the population and interacting with it, through discussions and themed parties, held across the country . The news of the opening
the first gay disco takes her back to the blog "paquitoeldeCuba" too gay author, describes the opening with a certain satisfaction and joy.
The disco is located in the state restaurant "El Sotano a la Habana Vieja. Admission is 25 pesos in national currency, the administration of the restaurant El Sotano, welcomed with great interest and good will the new project, having regard to the proper location and capacity of the same, ready to accommodate about 350-400 people. Will be provided in the future of music nights and evenings of entertainment in general.
although Cuba will take years and years to remove the spettro dell’omofobia, ci rasserena sapere che abbia intrapreso un percorso che può solamente incentivare nella popolazione la consapevolezza, l’equità, ed il libero arbitrio, basilari in un tessuto sociale sempre più evoluto.
The archetype he wanted the Cuban kind always ready to bring out its machismo, is gradually losing its dominant profile, leaving room for those "different" sexual, that mother nature has provided in his work immense. The machismo is a typical form of attitude that not only is (was) rooted in the Cuban population, but almost all the Latin American continent. In that regard, the Cuban government for years through the Centro Nacional de Educación Sexual (CENESEX) meets this cultural connotations typical of the island, sensitizing the population and interacting with it, through discussions and themed parties, held across the country . The news of the opening
the first gay disco takes her back to the blog "paquitoeldeCuba" too gay author, describes the opening with a certain satisfaction and joy.
The disco is located in the state restaurant "El Sotano a la Habana Vieja. Admission is 25 pesos in national currency, the administration of the restaurant El Sotano, welcomed with great interest and good will the new project, having regard to the proper location and capacity of the same, ready to accommodate about 350-400 people. Will be provided in the future of music nights and evenings of entertainment in general.
although Cuba will take years and years to remove the spettro dell’omofobia, ci rasserena sapere che abbia intrapreso un percorso che può solamente incentivare nella popolazione la consapevolezza, l’equità, ed il libero arbitrio, basilari in un tessuto sociale sempre più evoluto.
Samsung Flight Block Calls
confirmed the condemnation of Vatican Radio
LIVORNO. E' stata confermata la condanna per Radio Vaticana. La Corte di Cassazione ha infatti ribadito la decisione dalla Corte d'Appello del Tribunale di Roma: reato di "getto pericoloso di cose" (articolo 674 Codice penale) e risarcimento ai cittadini. Non si procederà però, nei confronti dell'unico imputato superstite, il cardinale Roberto Tucci, perché il reato si è estinto.
«Ieri - dichiara il Comitato Committees of the North of Rome - was a historic day for Italian justice: the Supreme Court of Cassation dismissed the appeal of Vatican Radio. " He adds, "Every time that we see violations of legal limits and interference in our daily life lodge a complaint against those responsible for Vatican Radio."
The issue began several years ago (over 11) when some citizens of Cesano denounced the processing of certain appliances, telephones, lamps in duplicating the signal of Radio Vaticana. To this were added to the complaints from those who accused disease caused by exceeding the emission limits of electromagnetic waves.
Over time we have followed each other in fact two reviews of First Instance, Two decisions of the second degree and have already had four judgments of the Court of Cassation, in a prosecution for murder under the multiple manslaughter, for which the Judge for Preliminary Investigations of the Court of Rome, following the surprising and impressive results of the epidemiological survey conducted in five years in the neighboring plants, 13 November 2010 has referred the case to the Prosecutor's Office for the subsequent decisions of the prosecution.
studies have pointed out that the mortality risk of leukemia has a factor of 4.9 times the expected value of more than 12 km away. In particular the study of the incidence of leukemias and lymphomas in children aged 0 to 14 years demonstrated that the factor is from 4.1 to 4.7 times the expected value over 12 km. away and up to 6.9 times when considering only children older than one year.
So much so that the expertise of the Court of Rome has announced that "the excess risk is dramatically higher. ... The effect is very important and can not be due to chance ... The results are quite impressive. ... We were not able to find a factor because other than the Vatican Radio. ... One can not but think that there is something important happened to the lives of those people, that is not explained by other causes which are not emissions of Vatican Radio. ... The results have to do with the dislocation in which these people lived their lives and these children have lived in their lifetime. ... Such high levels of risk are found in the scientific literature, only in epidemiological studies for the areas that have been affected by the explosion of an atomic bomb. "
LIVORNO. E' stata confermata la condanna per Radio Vaticana. La Corte di Cassazione ha infatti ribadito la decisione dalla Corte d'Appello del Tribunale di Roma: reato di "getto pericoloso di cose" (articolo 674 Codice penale) e risarcimento ai cittadini. Non si procederà però, nei confronti dell'unico imputato superstite, il cardinale Roberto Tucci, perché il reato si è estinto.
«Ieri - dichiara il Comitato Committees of the North of Rome - was a historic day for Italian justice: the Supreme Court of Cassation dismissed the appeal of Vatican Radio. " He adds, "Every time that we see violations of legal limits and interference in our daily life lodge a complaint against those responsible for Vatican Radio."
The issue began several years ago (over 11) when some citizens of Cesano denounced the processing of certain appliances, telephones, lamps in duplicating the signal of Radio Vaticana. To this were added to the complaints from those who accused disease caused by exceeding the emission limits of electromagnetic waves.
Over time we have followed each other in fact two reviews of First Instance, Two decisions of the second degree and have already had four judgments of the Court of Cassation, in a prosecution for murder under the multiple manslaughter, for which the Judge for Preliminary Investigations of the Court of Rome, following the surprising and impressive results of the epidemiological survey conducted in five years in the neighboring plants, 13 November 2010 has referred the case to the Prosecutor's Office for the subsequent decisions of the prosecution.
studies have pointed out that the mortality risk of leukemia has a factor of 4.9 times the expected value of more than 12 km away. In particular the study of the incidence of leukemias and lymphomas in children aged 0 to 14 years demonstrated that the factor is from 4.1 to 4.7 times the expected value over 12 km. away and up to 6.9 times when considering only children older than one year.
So much so that the expertise of the Court of Rome has announced that "the excess risk is dramatically higher. ... The effect is very important and can not be due to chance ... The results are quite impressive. ... We were not able to find a factor because other than the Vatican Radio. ... One can not but think that there is something important happened to the lives of those people, that is not explained by other causes which are not emissions of Vatican Radio. ... The results have to do with the dislocation in which these people lived their lives and these children have lived in their lifetime. ... Such high levels of risk are found in the scientific literature, only in epidemiological studies for the areas that have been affected by the explosion of an atomic bomb. "
How Old Is Too Old To Breastfeed A Baby?
Bellomonte Bruno. stories of ordinary people in a crackdown
Spreading history traits' kakfkiani'di Bellomonte Bruno (candidate - for the complaint - the mayor of Sassari, in the last election). Bellomonte Bruno is a man of 61 years, within the organism ... zzazione A pro s'Indipendentzia missing. Bruno was arrested for the first time - on the basis of fragmentary interception - during Operation Arcadia in 2006: after 18 days in jail Buoncammino of Cagliari, Bruno is freed. La Nuova Sardegna (local paper), in search of sensational scoop as false, he says - before they release him - of his having taken part in "paramilitary training camps of Al Qaeda in the Middle East" (!). "I was released from prison - had declared independence Communist Union Sarda 1 August 2006 - just because I was lucky enough to be able to demonstrate that it is not the author of the Porto Cervo I was charged, since in that period was eating cous cous in Tunisia. But they have heard 'Bru' in an interception (made in Sardinia when Bellomonte was in Tunisia, ed) and immediately put forward: there is a lacking in A Bruno, so it Bellomonte. And see that if I had not gone to a country where a passport is necessary because I would be more in Buoncammino. In fact, after 18 days in jail, make it known to the investigators the allegations and he does nothing but show his passport to see the prison doors open and bring down the theorems related to "Terrorism Sardo, Laboratory of the Italian and international . For many, it becomes clear that Sardinia is a "laboratory", not "terrorism", but the crackdown on political activists on the left. Despite speculation the economic, military and industrial pollution and the problems caused dalle lobby economiche italiane, i sardi NON DEVONO protestare: questo si vuol far capire con l'Operazione Arcadia. Per niente contenti della scarcerazione di Bruno, dato che tutti i teoremi - con cui alcuni inquirenti avevano fatto carriera - venivano a cadere, B. Bellomonte è stato arrestato una seconda volta un mese prima del G8: il 10 giugno 2009, sulla base di nuove intercettazioni ancora più confuse e frammentarie delle prime, come sostiene anche il perito chiamato a trascriverle che le definisce "indecifrabili". Anche stavolta i giornali riportano acriticamente la notizia: scrivono che Bruno sarebbe stato arrestato perchè voleva “Bombardare con modellini radiocomandati le navi destinate ad ospitare le delegazioni del G8 alla Maddalena” in accordo con le Brigate Rosse italiane (!). Di nuovo si assiste alla criminalizzazione di Bruno, di aMpI e di tutto il Movimento indipendentista sardo. Si diffonde un terrore subdolo che porta molti militanti del Movimento Sardo a dirsi "pacifisti" ogni venti parole e prendere le distanze da A Manca, in attesa che "Bruno dimostri la sua innocenza"... Capovolgendo così il principio costituzionale secondo cui si è innocenti sino al Terzo Grado di Giudizio. Per gli attivisti sardi il principio di "presunzione d'innocenza" sino al Terzo Grado di Giudizio non viene preso in considerazione e Bruno sino ad oggi è in carcere in attesa di avere almeno un Primo Giudizio. Non vale per Bruno il diritto a scontare i suoi arresti ai domiciliari, in attesa dal processo: dal 2009 ad oggi Bruno è trattenuto ostaggio in galera dallo Stato italiano. Non vale per Bruno - così come per molti altri prigionieri sardi - il diritto ad essere detenuto in Sardegna vicino alla sua famiglia e i i suoi cari. Così Bruno viene deportato a Catanzaro per fargli sentire tutto il peso della solitudine e della disperazione. Come persona a conoscenza di questi fatti la frustrazione per il mio non poter fare nulla è tanta.
di Emanuele S. Konflitto Mossa
Spreading history traits' kakfkiani'di Bellomonte Bruno (candidate - for the complaint - the mayor of Sassari, in the last election). Bellomonte Bruno is a man of 61 years, within the organism ... zzazione A pro s'Indipendentzia missing. Bruno was arrested for the first time - on the basis of fragmentary interception - during Operation Arcadia in 2006: after 18 days in jail Buoncammino of Cagliari, Bruno is freed. La Nuova Sardegna (local paper), in search of sensational scoop as false, he says - before they release him - of his having taken part in "paramilitary training camps of Al Qaeda in the Middle East" (!). "I was released from prison - had declared independence Communist Union Sarda 1 August 2006 - just because I was lucky enough to be able to demonstrate that it is not the author of the Porto Cervo I was charged, since in that period was eating cous cous in Tunisia. But they have heard 'Bru' in an interception (made in Sardinia when Bellomonte was in Tunisia, ed) and immediately put forward: there is a lacking in A Bruno, so it Bellomonte. And see that if I had not gone to a country where a passport is necessary because I would be more in Buoncammino. In fact, after 18 days in jail, make it known to the investigators the allegations and he does nothing but show his passport to see the prison doors open and bring down the theorems related to "Terrorism Sardo, Laboratory of the Italian and international . For many, it becomes clear that Sardinia is a "laboratory", not "terrorism", but the crackdown on political activists on the left. Despite speculation the economic, military and industrial pollution and the problems caused dalle lobby economiche italiane, i sardi NON DEVONO protestare: questo si vuol far capire con l'Operazione Arcadia. Per niente contenti della scarcerazione di Bruno, dato che tutti i teoremi - con cui alcuni inquirenti avevano fatto carriera - venivano a cadere, B. Bellomonte è stato arrestato una seconda volta un mese prima del G8: il 10 giugno 2009, sulla base di nuove intercettazioni ancora più confuse e frammentarie delle prime, come sostiene anche il perito chiamato a trascriverle che le definisce "indecifrabili". Anche stavolta i giornali riportano acriticamente la notizia: scrivono che Bruno sarebbe stato arrestato perchè voleva “Bombardare con modellini radiocomandati le navi destinate ad ospitare le delegazioni del G8 alla Maddalena” in accordo con le Brigate Rosse italiane (!). Di nuovo si assiste alla criminalizzazione di Bruno, di aMpI e di tutto il Movimento indipendentista sardo. Si diffonde un terrore subdolo che porta molti militanti del Movimento Sardo a dirsi "pacifisti" ogni venti parole e prendere le distanze da A Manca, in attesa che "Bruno dimostri la sua innocenza"... Capovolgendo così il principio costituzionale secondo cui si è innocenti sino al Terzo Grado di Giudizio. Per gli attivisti sardi il principio di "presunzione d'innocenza" sino al Terzo Grado di Giudizio non viene preso in considerazione e Bruno sino ad oggi è in carcere in attesa di avere almeno un Primo Giudizio. Non vale per Bruno il diritto a scontare i suoi arresti ai domiciliari, in attesa dal processo: dal 2009 ad oggi Bruno è trattenuto ostaggio in galera dallo Stato italiano. Non vale per Bruno - così come per molti altri prigionieri sardi - il diritto ad essere detenuto in Sardegna vicino alla sua famiglia e i i suoi cari. Così Bruno viene deportato a Catanzaro per fargli sentire tutto il peso della solitudine e della disperazione. Come persona a conoscenza di questi fatti la frustrazione per il mio non poter fare nulla è tanta.
di Emanuele S. Konflitto Mossa
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Kitchen Stove Fan Filter
A. come aereo
Today A. she left for Florida, where she moved with D.
The sky is gray, but their plane has passed away and is beyond the clouds.
I have been watching the sky from my window. Pending
glimpses of the sun that lights the face and me.
wait for the sun for a while ', perhaps it's time I throw I also cross the sky.
Or you decide to drop a shooting star.
Even at night is fine, fuck.
Although we are out of season.
good trip.
Today A. she left for Florida, where she moved with D.
The sky is gray, but their plane has passed away and is beyond the clouds.
I have been watching the sky from my window. Pending
glimpses of the sun that lights the face and me.
wait for the sun for a while ', perhaps it's time I throw I also cross the sky.
Or you decide to drop a shooting star.
Even at night is fine, fuck.
Although we are out of season.
good trip.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Upgrading A Barclays Cash Card Account
Antifa vs Bologna Casapound?!?
Bologna, 26 febbraio 2011...Casapound prova ad organizzare un'iniziativa sul nucleare in una delle nostre sale di Bologna non vuole fascisti in giro, non li vuole in luoghi istituzionali, non accetta di dare alcun spazio a 'ste merde.
> 12 Hours
Several anti-fascists are already in this moment the cabin, Via Santo Stefano 119, where an initiative is announced in the early afternoon on the nuclear issue of the "Fascists of the third millennium" in Casapound. The anti-fascists who played ahead of the garrison called publicly for 14.
few minutes ago some friends, a group of ten, managed to get inside the district headquarters of the back door. When the rest of the defense has tried to follow them, the Police have been placed in the way briefly charging anti-fascists in the gardens of Baracca. Via Santo Stefano requesting any and all to achieve the anti-fascist garrison.
12.05 pm At this time all the anti-fascists were able to enter the hall of Baracca.
> Ore 12.10
We learn that the rest of the garrison was able to enter the anti-fascist Baraccano through a side entrance, bypassing the Police. There is at least a boy wounded in the head. The intention is to conduct and resisting a public meeting in the lead up to that Casapound not be prevented. The protesters fear that the police want to clear and we reiterate the call: all in all Via Santo Stefano.
> 12.25
Within Hours the shack is an ongoing press conference. The anti-fascists, "Do not go there with the good until it is revoked the grant of the room to Casapound and what little there is institutional policy that the city will not have taken place." It also condemns the "outrageous behavior" of the riot. Hung a banner: "Outside the cities Casapound"
> Ore 13.20
The anti-fascists continue to occupy the seat of the district Santo Stefano. The offices were closed and the outside you see a huge deployment of security forces.
> Ore 13.40
little while ago a handful of fascists Casapound reached the gardens of the Cabin with the intention to confirm the nuclear initiative. The anti-fascist counter that the occupation will continue until you are sure that this initiative will take place, so that it is organizing a social lunch. Meanwhile we learn that the injured boy in contact with law enforcement was accompanied to the hospital.
> Ore 14.15
seems that the fascists have been removed from Casapound Baraccano, but it is unclear whether they intend to return later with the intention to conduct the conference. From Baraccano busy, anti-fascists, "We are preventing the initiative and we'll Casapound until it is canceled. Shameful behavior of the riot as well as the silence of the representatives of politics and institutions. "
> Ore 15.05
Casapound seems that the initiative has been moved to the room of the Angel, via San Mamolo, always under the jurisdiction of the district Santo Stefano. Anti-fascists are evaluating the situation to decide what to do.
> Ore 15.10
Baraccano The anti-fascists are leaving to go in procession along the avenues, toward San Mamolo door with the intention of stopping it. The Angel room is manned by the police. The banners: "Fascists? On Mars! " "Nazi lay down your arms or perish", "Against all fascism," "Out Casapound cities", "Casapound and nuclear, two nuisances to be destroyed."
> At 15.20 am
500 anti-fascists in procession along the avenues
15.35 pm The procession reached the Porta San Mamolo. Anti-fascists occupy the intersection blocking traffic lanes.
> Ore 15.50
The anti-fascists are moving in procession again, take Via D'Azeglio towards the center
> Ore 15.55
The protesters say they intend to violate the ordinance prohibiting the opportunity, at the center during the weekend, heading to Piazza Nettuno
16.10 pm The procession arrived in Piazza del Nettuno, violating the prohibition of the prefect. This completes a day of anti-fascist mobilization, which thanks to the determination of number * Company * has hindered the progress of the initiative on the nuclear Casapound Baraccano, confined in via San Mamolo, although once again the police have deployed in defense of "fascists of the Third Millennium" and the institutional policy has remained in complete silence and complicity.
updates by day:
Bologna, 26 febbraio 2011...Casapound prova ad organizzare un'iniziativa sul nucleare in una delle nostre sale di Bologna non vuole fascisti in giro, non li vuole in luoghi istituzionali, non accetta di dare alcun spazio a 'ste merde.
> 12 Hours
Several anti-fascists are already in this moment the cabin, Via Santo Stefano 119, where an initiative is announced in the early afternoon on the nuclear issue of the "Fascists of the third millennium" in Casapound. The anti-fascists who played ahead of the garrison called publicly for 14.
few minutes ago some friends, a group of ten, managed to get inside the district headquarters of the back door. When the rest of the defense has tried to follow them, the Police have been placed in the way briefly charging anti-fascists in the gardens of Baracca. Via Santo Stefano requesting any and all to achieve the anti-fascist garrison.
12.05 pm At this time all the anti-fascists were able to enter the hall of Baracca.
> Ore 12.10
We learn that the rest of the garrison was able to enter the anti-fascist Baraccano through a side entrance, bypassing the Police. There is at least a boy wounded in the head. The intention is to conduct and resisting a public meeting in the lead up to that Casapound not be prevented. The protesters fear that the police want to clear and we reiterate the call: all in all Via Santo Stefano.
> 12.25
Within Hours the shack is an ongoing press conference. The anti-fascists, "Do not go there with the good until it is revoked the grant of the room to Casapound and what little there is institutional policy that the city will not have taken place." It also condemns the "outrageous behavior" of the riot. Hung a banner: "Outside the cities Casapound"
> Ore 13.20
The anti-fascists continue to occupy the seat of the district Santo Stefano. The offices were closed and the outside you see a huge deployment of security forces.
> Ore 13.40
little while ago a handful of fascists Casapound reached the gardens of the Cabin with the intention to confirm the nuclear initiative. The anti-fascist counter that the occupation will continue until you are sure that this initiative will take place, so that it is organizing a social lunch. Meanwhile we learn that the injured boy in contact with law enforcement was accompanied to the hospital.
> Ore 14.15
seems that the fascists have been removed from Casapound Baraccano, but it is unclear whether they intend to return later with the intention to conduct the conference. From Baraccano busy, anti-fascists, "We are preventing the initiative and we'll Casapound until it is canceled. Shameful behavior of the riot as well as the silence of the representatives of politics and institutions. "
> Ore 15.05
Casapound seems that the initiative has been moved to the room of the Angel, via San Mamolo, always under the jurisdiction of the district Santo Stefano. Anti-fascists are evaluating the situation to decide what to do.
> Ore 15.10
Baraccano The anti-fascists are leaving to go in procession along the avenues, toward San Mamolo door with the intention of stopping it. The Angel room is manned by the police. The banners: "Fascists? On Mars! " "Nazi lay down your arms or perish", "Against all fascism," "Out Casapound cities", "Casapound and nuclear, two nuisances to be destroyed."
> At 15.20 am
500 anti-fascists in procession along the avenues
15.35 pm The procession reached the Porta San Mamolo. Anti-fascists occupy the intersection blocking traffic lanes.
> Ore 15.50
The anti-fascists are moving in procession again, take Via D'Azeglio towards the center
> Ore 15.55
The protesters say they intend to violate the ordinance prohibiting the opportunity, at the center during the weekend, heading to Piazza Nettuno
16.10 pm The procession arrived in Piazza del Nettuno, violating the prohibition of the prefect. This completes a day of anti-fascist mobilization, which thanks to the determination of number * Company * has hindered the progress of the initiative on the nuclear Casapound Baraccano, confined in via San Mamolo, although once again the police have deployed in defense of "fascists of the Third Millennium" and the institutional policy has remained in complete silence and complicity.
updates by day:
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Project Magenta Pmsystem
The situation in North Africa will unleash a wave of illegal immigrants? Meanwhile
''did not arrive, we hope you do not arrive. If we have them sent to France and Germany.'' So Reforms Minister Umberto Bossi about the possible impacts on migration flows to the tensions in the Maghreb.
come ???????
are already here for years!
Hihihiihihihihihi ............................
Rules Of Speed Skating
homosexuality, Cardinal Rigon: curable if caught in time
The Judicial Vicar of the Ecclesiastical Tribunal Regional Ligure, Monsignor Paolo Rigon, opened the judicial year by declaring openly that they can cure homosexuality if "taken from the beginning," citing - in a sort of classification - the reasons why marriages fall apart, and counting among these "own homosexuality, then dividing by two" species ":" masked "and "incacrenita not be overcome."
In his speech, the cardinal did not want to overlook anything and says, with a series of painstaking detail, that homosexuals are not born as "the birth of the homosexual is very rare in the sense of dysfunction or hormonal physics. So since homosexuality is induced, we must take it from the beginning, because that can be overcome through psychotherapy.
"While - continue - gangrenous homosexuality is not overcome, there is no marriage that can help this person. It 'clear that a homosexual can not be faithful to his wife or the husband. " Faced with the serious discussion moves from the cardinal, not pruned the lack of reaction by the associations and Arcilesbica Arcigay, presidents Valerio Barbini and Lilia Mulas, petrified, accusing the cardinal declaring that "what needs to be eradicated and homophobia, hatred and discrimination that Monsignor Rigon has helped to spread with lies and misinformation. " Barbini Mulas and then have "blunt" the tones of their speech by saying, in fact, that "It's been more than thirty years by the elimination of homosexuality from the diagnostic manual of mental disorders, but Rigon, apparently did not notice."
taken from
The Judicial Vicar of the Ecclesiastical Tribunal Regional Ligure, Monsignor Paolo Rigon, opened the judicial year by declaring openly that they can cure homosexuality if "taken from the beginning," citing - in a sort of classification - the reasons why marriages fall apart, and counting among these "own homosexuality, then dividing by two" species ":" masked "and "incacrenita not be overcome."
In his speech, the cardinal did not want to overlook anything and says, with a series of painstaking detail, that homosexuals are not born as "the birth of the homosexual is very rare in the sense of dysfunction or hormonal physics. So since homosexuality is induced, we must take it from the beginning, because that can be overcome through psychotherapy.
"While - continue - gangrenous homosexuality is not overcome, there is no marriage that can help this person. It 'clear that a homosexual can not be faithful to his wife or the husband. " Faced with the serious discussion moves from the cardinal, not pruned the lack of reaction by the associations and Arcilesbica Arcigay, presidents Valerio Barbini and Lilia Mulas, petrified, accusing the cardinal declaring that "what needs to be eradicated and homophobia, hatred and discrimination that Monsignor Rigon has helped to spread with lies and misinformation. " Barbini Mulas and then have "blunt" the tones of their speech by saying, in fact, that "It's been more than thirty years by the elimination of homosexuality from the diagnostic manual of mental disorders, but Rigon, apparently did not notice."
taken from
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House Pound in the eviction risks already in Bologna Via Guerrazzi
runs the online protest rally against the new CasaPound, which already threatens the eviction of the new site via Guerrazzi. The Accused's meeting next Saturday to Baraccano, organized by the neo-fascist group that will participate, up from 15 to 18, the columnist and professor of chemistry at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Francesco Battaglia and the former Councillor PDL Michele Facci. This is the first round of the movement of the extreme right after the events of the social centers and anti-fascist group two weeks ago against the opening (later overturned) of their new home. On the website of Indymedia Emilia Romagna, a few days discussing the fact of the meeting next Saturday, and many posts urging everyone to get back on the square, giving Baraccano before the appointment.
"CasaPound for its history and its past should have no institutional spaces available. In the coming days we will meet to consider how to react," said Domenico Mucignat the OPT. "The hall of Baraccano not be granted, we hope that the administration of the district e quella cittadina siano sensibili a raccogliere ciò che i cittadini hanno manifestato nei giorni scorsi" aggiunge Andrea di Bartleby. Anche CasaPound non nasconde la preoccupazione che lo spazio possa all'ultimo essergli negato.
E già accaduto in passato, quando l'allora presidente del Santo Stefano Andrea Forlani annullò al movimento neofascista l'utilizzo delle sale del quartiere per i loro incontri pubblici. "Non vedo perché questo possa accadere" osserva questa volta il responsabile provinciale Carlo Marconcini, visto che "dal quartiere abbiamo avuto tutti i permessi necessari". Ma il dibattito di sabato non è l'unica grana per CasaPound. I neofascisti rischiano infatti di essere sfrattatati dalla loro nuova sede, dopo Less than two months. Guerrazzi long way, between merchants and citizens, it is rumored that the owner has already called back the keys. They certainly influenced the findings made by the collective, but it is also likely that the tenant was not fully aware of the movement. When asked, the owner does not confirm or deny the rumors of an eviction. From his account, CasaPound admits there are problems with the landlord. "There are disputes over" just says Marconcini.
taken from
Tuesday, February 22
runs the online protest rally against the new CasaPound, which already threatens the eviction of the new site via Guerrazzi. The Accused's meeting next Saturday to Baraccano, organized by the neo-fascist group that will participate, up from 15 to 18, the columnist and professor of chemistry at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Francesco Battaglia and the former Councillor PDL Michele Facci. This is the first round of the movement of the extreme right after the events of the social centers and anti-fascist group two weeks ago against the opening (later overturned) of their new home. On the website of Indymedia Emilia Romagna, a few days discussing the fact of the meeting next Saturday, and many posts urging everyone to get back on the square, giving Baraccano before the appointment.
"CasaPound for its history and its past should have no institutional spaces available. In the coming days we will meet to consider how to react," said Domenico Mucignat the OPT. "The hall of Baraccano not be granted, we hope that the administration of the district e quella cittadina siano sensibili a raccogliere ciò che i cittadini hanno manifestato nei giorni scorsi" aggiunge Andrea di Bartleby. Anche CasaPound non nasconde la preoccupazione che lo spazio possa all'ultimo essergli negato.
E già accaduto in passato, quando l'allora presidente del Santo Stefano Andrea Forlani annullò al movimento neofascista l'utilizzo delle sale del quartiere per i loro incontri pubblici. "Non vedo perché questo possa accadere" osserva questa volta il responsabile provinciale Carlo Marconcini, visto che "dal quartiere abbiamo avuto tutti i permessi necessari". Ma il dibattito di sabato non è l'unica grana per CasaPound. I neofascisti rischiano infatti di essere sfrattatati dalla loro nuova sede, dopo Less than two months. Guerrazzi long way, between merchants and citizens, it is rumored that the owner has already called back the keys. They certainly influenced the findings made by the collective, but it is also likely that the tenant was not fully aware of the movement. When asked, the owner does not confirm or deny the rumors of an eviction. From his account, CasaPound admits there are problems with the landlord. "There are disputes over" just says Marconcini.
taken from
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Libya February 22, 2011
hours 09,20
Al Jazeera reports new air raids on Tripoli
According to the Arab broadcaster Al Jazeera Libyan aviation is making new raids on some areas of the capital Tripoli. Witnesses speaking of planes and helicopters in action "and" mercenaries "who fired on civilians in the city. To confirm the action is civil aviation against the Libyan ambassador to india wings Al Essawi, who yesterday resigned. The ambassador asked the UN to close the Libyan air space "to protect the population" and added that he can confirm the presence of mercenaries in the country, spoke explicitly of "genocide",
while the United Nations, through the mouth of Secretary Ban Ki-Moon, has called for "an immediate stop to the violence." The same request was made by the foreign ministers of many countries and the European Union. In the morning, and raged in the streets of major cities in protest, and resumed the repression by the military. Some witnesses spoke of "at least a thousand deaths" in Tripoli alone.
hours 09,20
Al Jazeera reports new air raids on Tripoli
According to the Arab broadcaster Al Jazeera Libyan aviation is making new raids on some areas of the capital Tripoli. Witnesses speaking of planes and helicopters in action "and" mercenaries "who fired on civilians in the city. To confirm the action is civil aviation against the Libyan ambassador to india wings Al Essawi, who yesterday resigned. The ambassador asked the UN to close the Libyan air space "to protect the population" and added that he can confirm the presence of mercenaries in the country, spoke explicitly of "genocide",
while the United Nations, through the mouth of Secretary Ban Ki-Moon, has called for "an immediate stop to the violence." The same request was made by the foreign ministers of many countries and the European Union. In the morning, and raged in the streets of major cities in protest, and resumed the repression by the military. Some witnesses spoke of "at least a thousand deaths" in Tripoli alone.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
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Palermo, died Noureddine Adnane
Noureddine Adnane few hours ago is dead.
Nuoreddine lived in Palermo with a valid residence permit;
worked as a peddler, under license.
But this is not enough in a European city like Palermo:
where the rules are respected by everyone from the mayor, under investigation for
abuse of office, illegal parking last
accept that we all live together quietly.
umpteenth seizure of their goods, in Ernesto Basile
last Friday, the boy in despair
was sprinkled with gasoline and set himself on fire.
Diego Cammarata, mayor in the matter, it was expended to bring
its sympathy and solidarity of the entire city
the boy's family while he was still alive, who was admitted to the hospital Civic
department burns patients.
Noureddine was an honest guy. It does not glorify violence, not
sparked a revolt against the Moroccan community
the arrogant attitude of the municipal police: apparently
the attitude of the brigade was well known to colleagues Noureddine,
enough to earn them the nickname of one of Bruce Lee, for
violent methods by which the closely held his "work".
probably in a city where survivors learn to use violence as a means of comparison
he should have used
violence against others rather than against himself: how would
read the public opinion of his attitude? How many of you would
differentiated from violent behavior? How would
argued that there are other ways to solve the problems of this kind
? Instead
the generation of "youth uprising", in Palermo, which somewhat
rebel, kills himself: Norman, PhD Palermo,
educated and with a good curriculum, kills himself; Noureddine,
regular immigrant in search of serenity, kills himself.
We are killing the ability to be able to see with clarity the
when enough is enough. We
omolagati the only one who thought "the knife by the handle
we have them."
Noureddine Adnane few hours ago is dead.
Nuoreddine lived in Palermo with a valid residence permit;
worked as a peddler, under license.
But this is not enough in a European city like Palermo:
where the rules are respected by everyone from the mayor, under investigation for
abuse of office, illegal parking last
accept that we all live together quietly.
umpteenth seizure of their goods, in Ernesto Basile
last Friday, the boy in despair
was sprinkled with gasoline and set himself on fire.
Diego Cammarata, mayor in the matter, it was expended to bring
its sympathy and solidarity of the entire city
the boy's family while he was still alive, who was admitted to the hospital Civic
department burns patients.
Noureddine was an honest guy. It does not glorify violence, not
sparked a revolt against the Moroccan community
the arrogant attitude of the municipal police: apparently
the attitude of the brigade was well known to colleagues Noureddine,
enough to earn them the nickname of one of Bruce Lee, for
violent methods by which the closely held his "work".
probably in a city where survivors learn to use violence as a means of comparison
he should have used
violence against others rather than against himself: how would
read the public opinion of his attitude? How many of you would
differentiated from violent behavior? How would
argued that there are other ways to solve the problems of this kind
? Instead
the generation of "youth uprising", in Palermo, which somewhat
rebel, kills himself: Norman, PhD Palermo,
educated and with a good curriculum, kills himself; Noureddine,
regular immigrant in search of serenity, kills himself.
We are killing the ability to be able to see with clarity the
when enough is enough. We
omolagati the only one who thought "the knife by the handle
we have them."
Monday, February 14, 2011
Stop Base Shaving Cream Rusting
The February 4, 2011 Virginio Merola, in full election campaign, told the press: It is "sacrosanct" centers of social protest ("provided that non-violent ') against the new place of being Casapound Guerrazzi a Bologna.
il candidato del centrosinistra invita anche la magistratura a verificare che l’organizzazione di estrema destra non faccia propaganda di stampo fascista.
«Non vedo con piacere che si apra una struttura di questo tipo, chiedo che ci siano tutte le garanzie che non si faccia propaganda che la nostra Costituzione non permette, quindi un controllo adeguato, non c’è la libertà di opinione sul fascismo e sulla negazione dei campi di concentramento. Non c’è e non ci può essere. Mi auguro non sia questa l’intenzione di Casapound, perchè se c’è un’intenzione di questo tipo non ha cittadinanza a Bologna».
Per il candidato sindaco, bisogna «aggredire quelle idee perchè non sono idee, sono la negazione delle idee dell’uomo».
Bene...chiaro...è il minimo detto da un progressista...
...vedremo...aspettiamo le elezioni.
Friday, February 4, 2011
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