Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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House Pound in the eviction risks already in Bologna Via Guerrazzi

runs the online protest rally against the new CasaPound, which already threatens the eviction of the new site via Guerrazzi. The Accused's meeting next Saturday to Baraccano, organized by the neo-fascist group that will participate, up from 15 to 18, the columnist and professor of chemistry at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Francesco Battaglia and the former Councillor PDL Michele Facci. This is the first round of the movement of the extreme right after the events of the social centers and anti-fascist group two weeks ago against the opening (later overturned) of their new home. On the website of Indymedia Emilia Romagna, a few days discussing the fact of the meeting next Saturday, and many posts urging everyone to get back on the square, giving Baraccano before the appointment.

"CasaPound for its history and its past should have no institutional spaces available. In the coming days we will meet to consider how to react," said Domenico Mucignat the OPT. "The hall of Baraccano not be granted, we hope that the administration of the district e quella cittadina siano sensibili a raccogliere ciò che i cittadini hanno manifestato nei giorni scorsi" aggiunge Andrea di Bartleby. Anche CasaPound non nasconde la preoccupazione che lo spazio possa all'ultimo essergli negato.

E già accaduto in passato, quando l'allora presidente del Santo Stefano Andrea Forlani annullò al movimento neofascista l'utilizzo delle sale del quartiere per i loro incontri pubblici. "Non vedo perché questo possa accadere" osserva questa volta il responsabile provinciale Carlo Marconcini, visto che "dal quartiere abbiamo avuto tutti i permessi necessari". Ma il dibattito di sabato non è l'unica grana per CasaPound. I neofascisti rischiano infatti di essere sfrattatati dalla loro nuova sede, dopo Less than two months. Guerrazzi long way, between merchants and citizens, it is rumored that the owner has already called back the keys. They certainly influenced the findings made by the collective, but it is also likely that the tenant was not fully aware of the movement. When asked, the owner does not confirm or deny the rumors of an eviction. From his account, CasaPound admits there are problems with the landlord. "There are disputes over" just says Marconcini.

taken from



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