Antifa vs Bologna Casapound?!?
Bologna, 26 febbraio 2011...Casapound prova ad organizzare un'iniziativa sul nucleare in una delle nostre sale di Bologna non vuole fascisti in giro, non li vuole in luoghi istituzionali, non accetta di dare alcun spazio a 'ste merde.
> 12 Hours
Several anti-fascists are already in this moment the cabin, Via Santo Stefano 119, where an initiative is announced in the early afternoon on the nuclear issue of the "Fascists of the third millennium" in Casapound. The anti-fascists who played ahead of the garrison called publicly for 14.
few minutes ago some friends, a group of ten, managed to get inside the district headquarters of the back door. When the rest of the defense has tried to follow them, the Police have been placed in the way briefly charging anti-fascists in the gardens of Baracca. Via Santo Stefano requesting any and all to achieve the anti-fascist garrison.
12.05 pm At this time all the anti-fascists were able to enter the hall of Baracca.
> Ore 12.10
We learn that the rest of the garrison was able to enter the anti-fascist Baraccano through a side entrance, bypassing the Police. There is at least a boy wounded in the head. The intention is to conduct and resisting a public meeting in the lead up to that Casapound not be prevented. The protesters fear that the police want to clear and we reiterate the call: all in all Via Santo Stefano.
> 12.25
Within Hours the shack is an ongoing press conference. The anti-fascists, "Do not go there with the good until it is revoked the grant of the room to Casapound and what little there is institutional policy that the city will not have taken place." It also condemns the "outrageous behavior" of the riot. Hung a banner: "Outside the cities Casapound"
> Ore 13.20
The anti-fascists continue to occupy the seat of the district Santo Stefano. The offices were closed and the outside you see a huge deployment of security forces.
> Ore 13.40
little while ago a handful of fascists Casapound reached the gardens of the Cabin with the intention to confirm the nuclear initiative. The anti-fascist counter that the occupation will continue until you are sure that this initiative will take place, so that it is organizing a social lunch. Meanwhile we learn that the injured boy in contact with law enforcement was accompanied to the hospital.
> Ore 14.15
seems that the fascists have been removed from Casapound Baraccano, but it is unclear whether they intend to return later with the intention to conduct the conference. From Baraccano busy, anti-fascists, "We are preventing the initiative and we'll Casapound until it is canceled. Shameful behavior of the riot as well as the silence of the representatives of politics and institutions. "
> Ore 15.05
Casapound seems that the initiative has been moved to the room of the Angel, via San Mamolo, always under the jurisdiction of the district Santo Stefano. Anti-fascists are evaluating the situation to decide what to do.
> Ore 15.10
Baraccano The anti-fascists are leaving to go in procession along the avenues, toward San Mamolo door with the intention of stopping it. The Angel room is manned by the police. The banners: "Fascists? On Mars! " "Nazi lay down your arms or perish", "Against all fascism," "Out Casapound cities", "Casapound and nuclear, two nuisances to be destroyed."
> At 15.20 am
500 anti-fascists in procession along the avenues
15.35 pm The procession reached the Porta San Mamolo. Anti-fascists occupy the intersection blocking traffic lanes.
> Ore 15.50
The anti-fascists are moving in procession again, take Via D'Azeglio towards the center
> Ore 15.55
The protesters say they intend to violate the ordinance prohibiting the opportunity, at the center during the weekend, heading to Piazza Nettuno
16.10 pm The procession arrived in Piazza del Nettuno, violating the prohibition of the prefect. This completes a day of anti-fascist mobilization, which thanks to the determination of number * Company * has hindered the progress of the initiative on the nuclear Casapound Baraccano, confined in via San Mamolo, although once again the police have deployed in defense of "fascists of the Third Millennium" and the institutional policy has remained in complete silence and complicity.
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