Thursday, November 26, 2009

Food To Stop Vitiligo

E' vero: Monza ha battuto tutti!

I am genuinely moved: to receive in the mail, after only three days, directly from my "home village" il benedetto estratto di nascita ha restituito positività ed energie ad una settimana un po' fiacchetta.
Il signor M.A., responsabile della velocità dell'operazione, non solo ha inviato il documento che avevo richiesto, ma per scrupolo ha anche allegato la copia del certificato originale in cui, in una calligrafia di quelle belle di una volta, si precisa che sono nata alle ore 16.35.
Mamma Carla mi aveva detto che ero nata intorno alle 16.30 ma l'ora precisa era sfuggita e, avendola recuperata, ho potuto finalmente verificare un dato la cui incertezza mi ha sempre provocato angoscia e dubbi.
Ci speravo proprio, perchè, almeno sulla carta, ho un carattere deciso e sicuro: l'importante è believe it and forget it!
That aside, awaiting the arrival of the grandparents, we dedicate ourselves to work, although in recent days we also had to deal with practices (especially paper) for the lease of the new house (we have our share of the signed contract and expect that the owners do their job with no surprises) and buy some "perdotempo" as I call them, or those that force you to go to a shopping center outside Nice because nowhere else you can find the article sought .
and yesterday was really important: the special diapers that Tea uses kindergarten.
These diapers that are similar to that of her panties and when they fade ... something was done, so to speak.
are used when children begin to be interested in the jar seems to nursery and as Tea is much more emancipated than at home, we trust and hope.
short, in this case, the important thing is to believe and forget about it.
PS: Lalla sent me some wonderful pictures that are obviously on the computer in the office. Tomorrow, the public and do not miss it (though I'll leave 'on line for a while').


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