start at the end because I know that the lighthouse 'happy many of you are back on the fifth floor Gianni & Costello Show (also known as Bibi' & Bibo ')!
Yes, another trouble and always in the same room: the beloved water heater, recessed into the ceiling (there's that say about the vision of the architect who has placed the apartment) has kicked the bucket yesterday morning and today we are totally no hot water.
A certain serenity is given to us by the fact that at least in the office we have a nice bath running, but certainly this "disgrace" we would have gladly spared ...
However, with the excuse that the fifth floor falls apart, we covertly real estate agent mentioned that we could also stop for a couple of months in piu ': perhaps, to recover the costs of the new water heater (yes, I forgot, the old can not be repaired) il proprietario ci permetterà di rimandare la problematica della casa.
Una volta ogni tanto non è poi cosi' male fare gli struzzi!
Il week end si è svolto all'insegna del lavoro (ma Tea non se ne è minimamente accorta).
Sabato ci siamo dati alle spese folli... follucce, diciamo.
Qualche oggetto di arredo in un negozio, Fly, che è una specie di versione francese di Ikea, e soprattutto il necessaire (in tutti i sensi) per l'ufficio in un Carrefour immenso: cancelleria, detersivi, strofinacci, posate, bacinelle, scope, spazzole, insomma, tutto quello che vi viene in mente per riempire un bagno, una cucina, tre camere al momento semi-vuote e altrettanti armadi-archivi.
Domenica, invece, we relaxed hunting in the boats of the Louis Vuitton trophy and making a detour to a small Salone del Mobile, which takes place in these days the Acropolis.
walk from the port at the fair we realized that Nice is a city where anyone can 'find a diversion to his own taste: free concerts of classical music, poker tournaments, smaller fairs dedicated to-market territory, energy saving, or biological.
Today we also saw an alternative to our house (but it was too expensive) and tomorrow we will see another: that is clear, will not be easy to fall ... even if the fifth floor, is certainly will be missed ...
PS: there is still a wonderful and amazing picture that sent me Lalla but I left the office and then will publish it 'until tomorrow. Watch out!
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