Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Frequence Nilesat Bahrine

Qualche scusa e il cappottino di Tea

Innanzitutto chiedo perdono per il ritardo di questo post, dovuto in parte ad una improvvisa influenza lampo della scrivente che ieri sera era totalmente cotta e priva di forze (stranamente se sto troppi giorni in casa mi ammalo mentre se devo uscire e correre da una parte all'altra della città sono in formissima), in parte alla mancanza di immagini fotografiche per il reportage e in parte ad un problema di logistica tecnologica (ovveri tutti i pc sono in ufficio e a casa siamo al vuoto spinto tecnologico).
Certo, la mancanza di attività particolarmente stimolanti e la ripetitività di questi giorni non mi hanno davvero fornito molti spunti per le fotografie ma vedrò di rimediare oggi. Those new
Lallafiori, however, beautiful as always, the public immediately.
Today I write the blog from the office and hence the photo of the calendar comes a little 'later (long time is a dancer and still do not know whether to put the sun or clouds).
said that, given the success that he found the "system" to put on a coat of Tea (Tea in brackets is the nursery and it seems that otitis if not totally defeat is at least dying), I will tell you how did this discovery on our part.
few days ago we went to take tea at the creche and his whole class was in the backyard to play (after 16.20, if the weather allows, the children wait for parents outside).
We are meeting the teacher and Anne begins to tell us and a couple of other moms (especially important is that there were more mothers ...) what children had done and learned that day and he comes out all excited with "the system to get the jacket."
"You know that now all the children put on their own coat?"
And we, as a group: "But noooo, and how do they do?"
and zac!
The teacher suddenly takes off his jacket, throws it on the ground on the spot, heedless of the leaves of crumbs Sassetti, and makes us see the "system" that you saw in the video.
not tell you the face of the mothers (including me): a mixture of surprise, upset, disbelief.
And on the lips of all, silently, one sentence: "Yes, but then you wash the coat!"
Poor thing, the teacher was very happy with this fantastic idea (you can imagine what is not said Sergio exit), and we tried to sound excited but I think we have succeeded only partially.
do not know if the "system" is still used but certainly at home after the phase "you do" and "does my mother," we went to "do it Iaia (the doll)" and "Tea with the jacket does Iaia of "...
One thing is certain: the teacher Anne has no children.


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