Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Mortgage Interest Table

Aqui Terme: At the start the construction of the school campus

The Polo School, after approval of the EPP 'ex Borma area, with successive stages, is taking shape to transform the feasibility studies in buildings. Currently, community leaders are engaged in finding optimal solutions that achieve a work that, in addition to ensuring that all students learn in the best environmental and educational uses as possible sources of renewable energy and building materials ecocompatibili.L ' introduction is required to announce by the Councillor for Public Works and School Julie Ice, "in upcoming meetings with the head teacher of media Bella, Professor Gatti, operators with the school, union representatives and architects of the Province. Meetings are considered introductory evolution towards the school buildings of Polo, to be built, after approval of the PPE occurred during the City Council of 28 November. "He also claims the commissioner Ice cream:" Today the level of detail allows us to sketch out some of the lines that characterize the construction project, first of all the energy game for Polo school that is a model for the use of advanced technologies. First of all the geothermal , which is a fantastic resource in our area, as we are experiencing at the Convention Center area Bathroom with excellent results. "No less attention is given to the development of viable network to enable fast access and efficient flow . Always Councillor Ice says: "It is astonishing to read disappunto nelle parole del Pd, riguardo al contributo di 1.900,00 euro dato dal privato e pare evidente che l'area di 8 mila metri quadrati, concessa a titolo gratuito, e il contributo previsto sino alla costruzione dell'ultima soletta dell'edificio della scuola materna consegnata "chiavi in mano" siano una considerevole partecipazione da parte del privato all'interesse pubblico. Evidente anche che il completamento degli impianti del medesimo edificio e dell'arredo sarà a carico dell'amministrazione comunale, che si troverà comunque sgravata di un costo di quasi due milioni di euro".

TAG: I M P I A N T The G E O T E R M I A

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Candesartan And Migraine

The deep geothermal geothermal energy certification

France can now boast of having a world record is the first nation that has managed to operate a geothermal system, HDR (Hot Dry Rock) geothermal fluids that do not use pre-existing underground (as in Larderello or in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mountains in Naples Flegrei), but the steam generated by a flow Water pumped from the surface to a depth, in this case, of 5,000 m.La particularity of HDR is that it is necessary to have a volcanic area or an area of \u200b\u200bgeothermal anomalies.
are sufficient (a) only the temperature gradient in the deep subsurface, as is known, is about 30K each 1,000 m (b) a deep layer of rocks arranged in a manner that is cracked and made permeable to water vapor .
The steam generated in depth is conveyed through a conduit to the surface and used here by giving the heat to organic working fluid that convert thermal energy into electricity using a Rankine thermodynamic cycle. Such systems are also known as ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle)
The system of Soultz-sous-Forêts has a 1.5 MW turbine and enters a regime in the spring of 2008 when the plant will be connected to the power of Strasbourg. The geological study began in 1987 and executive project started in 2000 and only this year has arrived when starting the system ahead of Switzerland.
Water injected at 5000 m depth is vaporized at 200 ° C. The steam produced at the surface reaches a temperature of 175 ° C at a rate of 35 liters per second (in the technical details do not provide the pressure of work). The system is closed loop. The steam has transferred heat to the organic fluid, condensation and is pumped back deep. After this startup phase, will be confirmed if the benefits provided in the project, the plant will be expanded to 10 MW by 2015. Subsequently provided the industrial development of the system and its marketing.

TAG: The M P The A N T I G E O T And R M I A

Saturday, January 3, 2009

United States Rare Coin & Bullion

Geothermal certification and energy issues are closely related, the following is an interesting update.

What does "building energy-efficient? Buildings with low energy consumption, combining comfort with energy savings, placing them within a specific class of energy based on what combustibile consumano all'anno per ogni metro quadro di superficie riscaldata.
La classificazione energetica degli edifici consente pertanto di attribuire alle abitazioni una classe, dalla più virtuosa energeticamente, e quindi economicamente, alla più dispendiosa come mostrato di seguito:

In Italia la certificazione energetica degli edifici è obbligatoria, secondo quanto stabilito dal D.lgs 311/06, che ha modificato il precedente D.lgs 192/05, a partire dal 1° luglio 2007, per gli edifici oltre i 1000 mq di superficie nel caso di trasferimento a titolo oneroso; dal 1° luglio 2008 vi sarà l’obbligo di predisporre il certificato energetico anche per gli edifici of the lower surface, with the exception of individual units for which the obligation triggered by the July 1, 2009, to be bought and sold.

Pending the imminent publication of national guidelines for energy certification of buildings, energy performance certificate which is issued by a certificate of qualification is replaced by an equivalent energy or energy certification procedure provided by a special council regulations before 8 October 2005. The certificate of qualification efficiency must be certified by the supervisor in case of new building or renovation, and presented to the City of the declaration of completion of work.

The lack of the certificate makes it impossible to declaration of completion of work. In recent years different regions, provinces and municipalities have adopted their own legislation on energy certification of buildings in the implementation of Directive 2002/91/EC of the regional parliament and European Council of 16 December 2002 on the Energy Performance of Buildings.

First of all, the Province of Bolzano with the certification CasaClima, which regulates energy class based on the design of new buildings and the acquisition of the incentives of urbanization.
To study

The Province di Trento ha da poco sviluppato una metodologia per la classificazione delle prestazioni energetiche degli edifici in relazione ai consumi del settore edilizio trentino.
Per approfondimento

Il progetto di certificazione della Provincia di Vicenza e della società Vi.energia assegna anch’essa agli edifici, in base ai loro consumi energetici, una classe di merito, variabile dalla A e G
Per approfondimento

Dalla Delibera della Regione Emilia Romagna si è sviluppato il progetto Ecoabita, a cui partecipano, oltre il Comune di Reggio Emilia, più di trenta comuni; l'adesione alla rete Ecoabita comporta, anche through the municipal building regulations, the introduction of a procedure for energy certification of buildings. To study

Lombardy Region is the first that made it mandatory energy certification of buildings throughout the country. From 1 September 2007 for new buildings or renovation, for entire buildings, bought and sold, and for access to any incentive or advantage (eg. Deducting income tax of 55% for energy saving measures) is necessary the energy performance certificate by the method of calculation CENED. They also brought forward to 1 January 2008 the limits on national energy performance requirements will come into force on 1 January 2010. To study

Piedmont Regional Law on Energy Performance introduces the energy certification for new buildings or renovated, in all cases of sale or lease. Within 12 months after entry into force of the law, is expected to issue regulations implementing it. To study

also recently approved the Liguria regional law governing the certification of buildings, which must follow a subsequent implementing regulation. To study

Source Paea

TAG: The M P I A N T I G E O T E R M The A

Friday, January 2, 2009

Complications Of Having A Sixth Lumbar Vertebra

Enhanced Geothermal Systems Geothermal

Enhanced Geothermal Systems
Source: Dr. Ing Giorgio Santucci - EGS Association - Milan

The availability of energy sources renewable or not, is the subject of constant attention in our country, the energy sector and possible active responses, including the development of renewable energy and nuclear power in the Italian loomed return, are the subject of ongoing debates in the media between the energies geothermal sources indicate very promising, but much neglected today: a Larderello (Tuscany) geothermal energy is obtained from the ENEL 20% of the total regional energy (2% nationally) at competitive costs. Geothermal energy is "traditional" is only possible in very favorable geological conditions, are then regarded as a phenomenon of local and niche. Our country also presents us with significant deposits "nontraditional" exploited by the "enhanced geothermal" - EGS (Enhanced Geothermal Systems), how "artificial geothermal" but in need of innovative technologies, now in its initial state, and little known in Italy and studied at all. In the '80s, with the first energy crisis, the minister Donat Cattin, required (forced) ENEL and ENI to cooperate on geothermal, through such cooperation are a thousand Italian geothermally exploration areas are more favorable, drawing a map of geothermal potential overall.

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