Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sample Letter Requesting Rent Reduction

Regulation Geothermal Probes Probes Regulation

Simplify sources: the Rules for geothermal probes

March 8, 2010

Source: Regione Lombardia

On March 6, entered into force on new and innovative Regional Regulation for the installation of geothermal probes that do not involve the taking of underground water (Regional Regulation February 15, 2010 - No. 7, published in the Official Bulletin of the Lombardy Region - BURL - Ordinary Supplement 1 to 9 of March 5, 2010, attached at the bottom of the page).

The Regulations specify the requirements art. Regional Law 10 of December 11, 2006 No 24 "Regulations for the prevention and reduction of air emissions to protect health and the environment" and aims simplification, which is one of the priorities of Plan for a Sustainable Lombardia. " The new Regulation

moves in close keeping with the general guidelines of Legislative Decree No 22 11 February 2010 "Reorganization of the legislation on exploration and production of geothermal resources in accordance with Article 27, paragraph 28 of the Law of July 23, 2009, No 99 "Official Gazette No 45, February 24, 2010. (Attached at the bottom of the page).

Legislative Decree 22/2010 fact, Article 10, paragraph 5 to the regions jurisdiction to issue an appropriate discipline with estimates of simplified procedures for the installation of geothermal heat exchange with the ground that no withdrawal and reintroduction into the ground water or geothermal fluids.

Lombardy, through the Regional Regulation 7 / 2010, makes it easy and less "bureaucratic" the installation of geothermal probes that do not involve the taking of underground water (better defined as "closed systems"). The systems are different depending on the depth and reach in terms of their size.

for installation of geothermal probes that reach a depth not exceeding 150 meters from ground level and geothermal horizontal is the only mandatory registration system in the Regional Register

Geothermal Probes for the installation of geothermal probes exceeding the depth of 150 meters from ground level, it is not necessary to obtain the approval by the Province responsible for the area. Also in this case the registration system to RSG is mandatory and must be, by the owner before the opening date del cantiere di perforazione.

Il Regolamento distingue poi le procedure per “piccoli” e “grandi” impianti.

  • I “ piccoli impianti ”, sono impianti geotermici che hanno una potenza termica e/o frigorifera utile uguale o inferiore a 50 kW;

  • I “ grandi impianti ”, sono impianti geotermici che hanno una potenza termica e/o frigorifera utile superiore a 50 kW.

Per i “grandi impianti”, sempre utilizzando il Registro Sonde Geotermiche, sarà must provide information that is accessible through the Ground Response Test, which is an experimental test that detects the thermophysical properties of exchange of the subsoil and consequently to proceed to the appropriate size of the geothermal field.

For large installations, in particular, is also provided for the existence of an adequate monitoring system.

The regulations are accompanied by a Technical Annex of detail that sets out the criteria for the design and realization of the plants , providing specifications to materials utilizzare, alle modalità di perforazione, alla posa delle sonde, alle operazioni di verifica funzionale, al monitoraggio ambientale, agli organi di sicurezza e di controllo, nonché agli aspetti prestazionali degli impianti.

Con decreto dirigenziale saranno indicate le modalità per la gestione e la tenuta del Registro Regionale Sonde Geotermiche (RSG) nonché i modelli di domanda per la richiesta di autorizzazione ai sensi dell’art. 10 del Regolamento Regionale 7/2010.


Does Chemotherapy Work For Liver Cancer

Regione Lombardia Regione Lombardia

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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Can I Play Farmville On My Bb?

Geothermal Geothermal Course in Verona

Geotermia.Org The association, in collaboration with GREENBUILDING & SOLAREXPO

organizing the training course

Verona Wednesday, May 5, 2010 ore 9:00 to 18:00

Fair Verona - Sala Marcello - V.le del Lavoro 8, 37135 Verona

The course of the eight-hour targets architects, geologists, engineers, surveyors, valuers, installers, energy managers, students and individuals. The goal of the training is to enable professionals to reference in a position to address this issue in terms of design, process and economic indicators to define the problems of installation of such facilities. It is expected that each participant receives the text "and Geothermal Heat Pumps - Just Minchio 2007" as well as supplementary teaching materials.

Topics: Introduction to

geothermal heat pumps and underground drilling

vertical geothermal probes
sizing methods
simplified analytical methods sizing
Ground Response Test

exchangers geothermal probes horizontal

alternative methods of sizing systems
open circuit
Groundwater and surface
Statement Reference

PhD Ing Fabio Minchio; Rimsky Dr Valvassori; Dr Savino Just

Information and registration
Toll Ms Ferroni 800 984 326 (Mon - Fri 9.00 - 12.00; 15.00 - 18.00); mail