Friday, July 23, 2010

Car Sales Application

L'amore è letterario

Mi accorgo di essere stata troppo rude, cinica e civettuola in questo blog. Di aver voluto classificare un po' l'amore e il dolore in tipologie, gli uomini in specie, di aver scambiato il legame affettivo per un campo di battaglia, ma in fondo fa parte tutto della vita, del mondo, della natura.
Oggi ho pensato che gli amori siano un po' delle opere letterarie.

C'è l'epigramma conciso, l'amore breve e appassionato, che ci trasforma il tempo di un istante, è l'amore adultero che ci fa girare la testa, che ci tramuta da Franche fedeli a graceful butterflies in search of ecstasy.

§ 62, the metamorphosis of LEVINA

Caste Levina, not least
of ancient junipers,
although more rigid itself
of severe husband
while in the bath relaxes,
hours in the waters of Lucrino,
hours Averno,
and often while taking a hot bath
in the Baths of Baia,
here who falls in love fire:
the plant and follows a young husband:
Bay as Penelope had come,
news as Elena left.

Then there is poetry short but intense. The love is worth suffering, which is torment. No one knows how long. Concise gestures, expressions. Love all this. The love upside down.

Odi et amo. Quare id faciam, strong requiris.
Nescio, sed et excrucior pride felt the agony.

(I hate you and love you. How could do this, perhaps you wonder.
do not know, but I feel that it is and I torment.)


Then there is the Treaty rational, orderly, precise, which makes us understand what love is. What makes us feel that we have in hand what we want. The person we love, because our feeling is consistent and is reflected in our actions.

Behold, I think, as things stand. The matter is far from simple, as I said earlier: in itself is neither good nor bad. And 'if the shares are beautiful, good and bad if the shares are ugly. And 'bad thing to give a bad man and bad reasons, it is nice thing to sell to a man of value and for good reasons. Now those who behave Evil is, as before said, the vulgar lover who loves the body rather than soul. It has no consistency, because the object of his love is fickle. The weakening of the body that loves beauty, he "flies away and goes away, and betray without shame so many beautiful words, so many promises. But who loves the character of a person for its high quality, remains faithful throughout his life because his love is based on something constant. Our rules are designed to put people to test the seriousness and honesty, because you give in to men who are worth and the others fled. Encourage then to choose between good and give away, creating tests that allow to recognize that both the nature lover, of that nature is his soul. For this is plainly the best: "a ceder now there's no shame." The more time passes, in fact, the more there is evidence, it seems, the seriousness of love. A second principle, then, says that there's no shame to give up money or gaining political advantage, whether you are intimidated by facing decisive action, which makes it unable to respond, whether you do not reject with indignation the lure of wealth and political success: none of this has the air of being solid and stable, and therefore could not come no generous friendship.
Plato, Symposium

And yet there is a great novel long and boring.

do not carry.

And the form, ideal for me, the novel long and perfect.

- Our grandparents lived better. Why not follow our impulses?
After all, love was such an important thing.
- But he realizes that what he is saying it is immoral?
sull'amorino had returned. He came and sat next to her, at her feet.
- But see I'm not lying! Who wants to please women that remains is the farce or tragedy. Simply declare his love serves no other purpose than to be fooled! To me that whole slew of feelings in which toys, tantamount to desecration of true love.
I watched, half-closed eyelids. Fredric leaned toward his face and almost in a whisper:
- It 's so, I'm afraid of her, maybe I offend? ... Excuse me! ... I would not have wanted to say all these things! It is not my fault, she's so beautiful!

Flaubert, Sentimental Education

And then there's the kind of all over 2010. The comic erotic. Why pull so much.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sympathy Thank You Card Wording

Bellimbusti alla brace

Before publishing this post, I was going to write another, entitled 'How sentimental rise again after a disappointment "or" How to recover from the oppression of a fop. No. That's not the kind of place made for a Franca. France should not simply stand up. The dude, France, IT MUST TAKE A KICK IN THE ASS. Must thrashing him up, must serve a cold revenge than to remain undigested for quite a while 'time.

So, women, first arm yourself with patience and your wits sharp enough to do the Dude what he has done to you. You must reduce it to the state of minced meat, to feed the fish, wet dustbin.
If you are born under the sign of Scorpio, the exercise will be that much easier and you will feel a great satisfaction in implement the solutions proposed.

We, however, must be a scientific experiment. After making a law, they demonstrate the validity by performing the experiment.

Law: France is stronger than a fop, and, as such, may retaliate.


Prendete un bellimbusto fresco, lavatelo, asciugatelo e tagliatelo a pezzettini. Se con voi si è comportato in modo stronzo e inutile, iniziate a tagliare il suo gambo di sedano e a farlo rosolare in padella. Se vi cerca con un sms non troppo impegnativo, aspettate ore, meglio ancora giorni, a rispondergli: un po' come si fa con i legumi secchi prima di cucinarli, lasciateli in ammollo per qualche notte. Se non si fa risentire, non importa, la cottura deve essere lenta e costante. Niente fiamme incendiarie, niente sceneggiate: a fuoco lento e doloroso, dovrete far cuocere il Bellimbusto fino a farlo carbonizzare senza che se ne accorga. Lasciate che esca pure in compagnia degli altri finocchi di cui si circonda: vada pure to dance at parties, to swill around. When you return, you will realize that it is too late to make a sauce with your potatoes. Try to be inclusive: it is a nocturnal animal, hunting is not easy, but once taken, you can boil it or fry it any way you like. So, if you neglect to stay with friends, do regret telling you committed (without explaining where, how and with whom) when you try or, better yet, See it and stay cool as empresses who like to be flattered. If you try to kiss you, tell him you have a headache. After half an hour, liquidatelo, launch another appointment: aesthetics, for example. Can darsi che uno stronzo di tal fatta, si stanchi e non perda tempo ad inseguirvi. In ogni caso, voi procedete con la vostra cucina, se la selvaggina non è di buona qualità, non vi sarete perse nulla se vi scappa di mano. Non resterete voi come salami, ma lui. E sarà pure inconsapevole di esserlo. Fatevi desiderare, fate a lui quel che lui ha osato fare a voi, senza mezzi termini, nè mezze misure, nè sensi di colpa. Vediamo di tracciare in modo più specifico le direttive per la vendetta.

1. Non rispondete agli sms se non in modo conciso e stronzo.
2. Niente sentimentalismi: non rimpiangete i suoi occhi, le sue mani, le sue cosce, pensate al suo cervello e farete in fretta a dimenticarlo.
3. Uscite con lui e dopo un'oretta ditevi annoiate... avete di meglio da fare.
4. Non siate aggressive, non fategli capire assolutamente ciò che provate o pensate di lui o per lui.
5. Uscite con lui e i suoi amici. E divertitevi. Ma solo con i suoi amici.
6. Prendetevi cura del vostro corpo e della vostra mente e snobbatelo.
7. Fatelo essere in fondo ai vostri impegni.

Se dovesse capire quanto siete importanti e pentirsi del suo comportamento da idiota, l'esperimento è riuscito. Ma ricordate due cose:


Monday, July 12, 2010

Hyperthermia Definition Chills

Il Franco Paraculo

addition to the Dude and the serfs, there is also the Franco Paraculo.
Codest subject is moving among us completely unaware of his Paraculo.
Or better, unaware that his disguise been put into effect completely opposite to what we had imagined.

The Franco Paraculo is primarily licker.
In this attitude there is a fundamental error.
La Donna Franca quickly notice if the man who lay beside è un insicuro, e con l'atteggiamento paraculo peggiorerà ancora di più la situazione. Se per un po' di tempo trattarla da regina, coprirla di complimenti, regali, sorprese, SFORZI per tenere vivo il rapporto, saranno tecniche che potranno illuderla di aver trovato un uomo Franco, prima o poi si accorgerà della falsità di ogni gesto, atto solo a cercare di ingabbiarla.
La Donna Franca non sarà mai sicura del rapporto con un Franco Paraculo e finirà con provare un forte ribrezzo per il suo atteggiamento mieloso. Proprio per la sua insistente invadenza.
Un rapporto Franco non ha bisogno di fronzoli. Una Franca capirà l'ammirazione derivante dal suo uomo semplicemente con uno sguardo, una parola giusta that at the right time. NOT a ton of compliments mushy. NOT the mat at her feet for any nonsense.
Franco A man has his dignity. Protects and supports his woman without showing it. The Franco
Paraculo wants to be sympathetic at all costs (basic quality of Franco) Not having to nature but be extremely unlucky. The Franco
you want. The Franco Paraculo will jump between your feet while you also do waxing, and ask if you want a hand. The Franco
Paraculo rattles absurd compliment, like, "I like how you eat spaghetti" (?!!?) Or, "you're sexy when you tie your shoes" or "kill my mother for you "after only two days you know.
Compliments like that are nice men, but sipped and said unexpectedly. If the former is to please, the second, called after 10 minutes, it's already nauseating.
The man you desisderare Franco, thus raising the libido of Donna Franca Brown and making the right point, then when you send a text message that will melt, preferably in the middle of the night.
A Paraculo will immediately make the card you & me in a tempest of text messages every hour, except noon meal, and from 10 pm to 6 am will take the phone off.

Paraculo, BEWARE! The Franche there sniff from afar! And if the relationship with France were supposed to last there is a reason. The woman beside you is not a Franca.

As William Shakespeare said:

"The violent delights have violent end, and in their triumph die, like fire and gunpowder, which are destroyed in the first kiss. The most delicious honey becomes cloying sweetness of its own, enough to taste and the desire to levarsene. Therefore love moderately: the love that is so hard. "

The Best Concentration For Business


Who said that France should always be so? The world of Today, dear women, it is insidious. You do not have time to turn around a Dude tries to circuits or a serf you bored with his rigmarole. The Franks are endangered and sexual-romantic relationships are more complicated. But France have always a thousand resources, Franche sufficient to themselves. Mica should not hang by mirrored sunglasses of a fop Beef O or drool some boring asshole-invasive met at some party.
The Franche can change the cards on the table. How? You ask. Simple. Becoming too dude. No drop style, girls, but need della vita. Non occorre essere franche e schiette nell'immediato, sempre. Il mondo è pieno di stronzi. Meglio giocarsi bene le proprie carte per non perdere la partita. Noi non siamo della teoria che l'importante è partecipare. No, la Franca è una vincente, perchè gioca d'anticipo e non sbaglia una mossa. E se occorre, ti diventa una bellimbusta di quelle...con tanto di occhiali a specchio, gonna sotto la piega du' cul, zeppe anni 60 e tamarre e gelatina nei capelli cotonati. Certo, non basta il look, ma anche quello fa il suo effetto. Bisogna osare il tamanzo, ogni tanto... ardire con una giacca di pelle, occhiali a specchio, eliminare ogni tipo di effeminatezza o di declinazione della moda in corso. Ai leggins, preferite un paio di succinti black leather pants or a denim mini torn giustappunto under the buttocks.
go around in a car scrausa, a kind of Panda convertible, complete with music Tamarra. When spotted the guy for you, dare you with a handbrake and a U-turn. Prendelo for the tuft agguantatelo for the Adam's apple and let it sit in the back seat with his dog. Chew a cigarette while the lemonade. First exit at the carnival, where you give him the satisfaction of believing a sample at shooting, but then you come along, dude version in bold, and grabbed the gun, winning the ugliest dolls that are at stake and gave them presents. Be always offer a drink and say that after two sips il drink fa schifo: "In questo fottuto posto non sanno come si fa un Mojito. Sarà che sul Mohito sono diventata esigente". Lo umilierete fino a riportarlo ai tempi in cui un uomo si degnava di aprire una portiera alla sua donna. Cercherete di violentarlo sotto casa, ma vi stancherete non appena messe le mani nei boxer attillati color carne. "Ma che biancheria porti? Mi fai scappare la voglia".
Poi, il giorno dopo, uscite con un altro Bellimbusto e tornatevene a casa con la stessa faccia schifata. E tutti i giorni così. Niente week end dedicati agli uomini però. Quelli sono riservati esclusivamente alla tintarella e alle amiche. Vi divertirete molto di più che rincorrere degli sfaccendati che se la tirano. Capito donne? Avete presente Fonzie? Here, you become the female version. With panther pants. In the mouth
Dude then.
How do I reply?
Mah, "We hope that breaths dead rats."

Friday, July 9, 2010

How To Stop Breast Milk

La madre de le sante e Il padre de li santi

is summer .... the females show their thanks, men show their physical and their sculpted tan ...

hormone crazy

... people do not think of anything but the coupling ...


and therefore, to move even more spirited this time, I will share with you two fun-filled poems of Giuseppe Gioacchino Belli (which I read just now my colleague skinny Gimbo who has devoted his time to the girl that makes your heart .... that sentimentalist )....

The mother of the holy

About VVO cchiede the Mona Catherine
Pe ffasse intenne ggente learned from the
Je touch to ddI vvurva, vaccines, and DDA
achiev co Cunnie the CCO and the cunt.

But nnoantri fijjacci de miggnotta
Dimo \u200b\u200bscella, fake, pussy,
cracked gap, fissure, bbuscia, cave,
Freggna, Pussy sciavatta, chitarrina,

Sorce, Pan sheath, pancake,
Cisco, basket, Perucca, varpelosa,
Chiavica, gattarola, window,

Fischiarola, quer-done, what-what,
Urinal, fracosscio, ciumachella, The
-cage-der-Pepin, and-bbrodosa.

and SSI vvòi the scimosa, Who calls
vergoggna and cchi nnatura,
Who cciufèca, tajjola and ssepportura

Rome, December 6, 1832

Er father of the holy

Er fuck if some rradica ddI, uscello
Cisco backbone, doves, Pennarola,
piece of meat, handle, scetrolo,
Asperge, crests and stennarello.

Clavijo, Canaletto and cchiavistello,
Gionco Er, er eyed, my er, NERC, peg,
hooks, candle, bbruggnolo,
inguilla, torciorecchio and mmanganello

bbatocco and Wedge, Cavola and tturaccio,
mmaritozzo E, and cinnamon, and ppipino,
E ssalame and sarsiccia and ssanguinaccio.

scafa Then, telescope, weapon, bbambino:
Torzo Then, cresscimmano, bolt,
Mànnola, and brother-mmi' Piccinino.

tte And let me perzino
lessen its such a doctor calls it,
ball, rod, rod, and mmembro natural.

old Cuero de spezziale
Disc Priapus, and on 'Mojje penis
Seggno for god nun je bbene back.

Rome, December 6, 1832

What is the synonym you prefer?

I think "crescimmano is beautiful .... hahaha ....

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Watch Gangs Of America

Third type of male: the serf

Alla faccia di quel cornuto di Publio Virgilio Marone, adesso scrivo un bel post sul bellimb.. no ops, sul servo della gleba. Scusate, ma questo genere d'uomo o meglio di cacchetta d'uomo è talmente noioso, da riportare la mia mente malata sulle tracce del già trattato bellimbusto di periferia, più baldanzoso e stimolante.
Se il Bellimbusto lo trovate agli aperitivi, ai concerti, alle serate mondane, le tracce del SDG invece sono di solito state avvistate nelle grigliate tra amici e alle feste di compleanno degli sfigati.
Il SDG è di solito un esemplare cesso. Può darsi che esteticamente non sia neppure troppo brutto, ma è talmente deperito interiormente che anche il suo fisico ne risulta compromesso: brufolazzi, stempiatura che avanza, monociglio, mani alla Mr. Burns, spalle spioventi, gambe a x.
La carestia della patata irlandese, che ha messo al lastrico la patria di Collins dal 1845 al 1849, non è nulla se rapportata a quella che vive questo uomo depresso, che non vede il tubero da anni e anni... è questo che solitamente lo spinge ad abbozzare abbordaggi disperati. Mentre state sorseggiando un Mojito vi chiederà: "Ti piace?". Oppure: "Ah, ma allora vivi a Canicattì!". O ancora: "Dunque, you who are expert tips to see what the TV this evening. "And again:'re a team that? What's your sign? I crush Questro pimple?
It 's a man so ordinary that, compared to him, my grandfather was original because at least one life every time he went to fix the water heater. Usually the SDG breath stinks and is soporific. This does not mean that if you've made the terrible, as well as unusual error to finish in its clutches horny (which has never happened to me) she managed to get to sleep easily: his calm upset you so much that you will do nothing but turn over in bed, plagued by an annoying itchy underwear. His morning flag-raising will not let you in pass: as rowing machine is a real disaster.
Usually these types of men end up with the Woody Pussycats (FDL): there is no danger of being frank with this kind of Benjamin Button. If you are the Pussycats Woody, however, try to free you from your misery and from this sad example of man as a sour yogurt ammmale gone. Unless you want a partner who:
- there will always say yes
- there will always call, even during meetings, the hairdresser, during a pedicure, while you're out with friends, while you're on the toilet and when you stay between the arms of another.
- will make the record of all his actions (washing dental to analysts, the shopping list of all calls received in the office)
- you will love his mother for ill-treated balls
- will accept all your horns
perfectly right - will do anything for you except one thing: entertain you, inside and outside the thalamus.
So, rather than with the servants, went with serve ... is certainly more fun! Capito Marge? Daajeeee! Porco Virgilio Marone!