Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tissues In Finger Cut

Eh eh eh, scrivendo mi viene anche un po' da ridere perchè, dopo aver convinto tutti che i troppi impegni non permettevano di seguire il blog quotidianamente ed aver temuto di avere troppe cose da scrivere in un solo post, mi sono ritrovata a vivere tre giorni fra i più fiacchi degli ultimi tempi, causa... l'otite di Tea che, seppure a detta della pediatra è la meno grave delle tre avute, a noi seems to be particularly tenacious and tough. Tea
Yesterday was fine, so we are convinced that today was Friday and would definitely go to the creche and instead had a relapse this morning: nothing serious, just annoying tenths of a degree above the temperature that made us choose keep her at home until Monday.
E 'then with embarrassment that I admit the lack of arguments, unless there is some interest excerpt from "Monstres & cie." or the amazing story of a certain Little Red Riding Hood (I tried to alternate with "The Sleeping Beauty" but as in the book of fairy tales at the beginning of the story is a picture of a mouse sleeping, I can not unrivet Tea URL of battle "sleep, sleep!" is therefore not far beyond the "once upon a time"). In the meantime we
(ams have) ended the extra cleaning and office, otitis permitting, at the end of next week should be operating at 90%.
From here on Monday, again depending on the conditions of Tea, we have a rich program of cultural activities and surroundings: to bring Tea to cut hair in the brand new show dedicated solely to children (they assured me that they know how to hold to your children since of age and over), take a tram Tea because it is in love with him and have promised to visit an exhibition at the Musée d'Arts ASIATIQUES ("Treasures Buddhism in the land of Genghis Khan) that if we lose it and there no end and, of course, clean the house that never hurts.
paraphrase a famous movie ("The plane in Love"): I chose the wrong day to stop writing the blog ...

The angle of the quote (and woe to those who criticize "Victor")
Le reve du Heros, c'est d'etre partout grand et petit chez son pere. (Victor Hugo)
"The desire is to be a hero for all big and small for his father."

Monday, October 26, 2009

Varenicline Tartrate Trials Tingling Sensation

And we were not there!

This afternoon, the creche has been a major event and deserves to be mentioned: Tea for the first time asked to pee on the toilet (and this is not news) and did (and this is indeed a novelty !)!!!
And the funny thing is that the same Laetitia and assistants today were all proud and happy to tell us about the event!
A little 'sorry we are not there, but then we thought it is still the same beautiful and we are pleased that Tea feels so comfortable with the school staff to have no qualms or fears.
As for the weekend say it went better than expected: Tea was covered with affection by all three of his grandparents and some grandfather Umberto, with the face (Pardon, father) boiled fish with which he has demonstrated that it had accepted its bite.
None suspected that we'd arrived to celebrate his 24th birthday, and when tea was facing into the room where he was reading was by a miracle that the lower jaw does not fall to the ground!
The grandmother, however, as you may have guessed, remained impassive as usual, and if you have not ventured into an Indian dance of thanks was out of pure shame.
Tea, so pampered and spoiled for three days, during the return trip has done nothing but sleep ... We, a little 'less tainted but still a bit' spoiled, we would gladly ...
A jeudi!

La citazione selezionata per oggi:
Je ne suis pas toujours de mon avis. (Paul Valéry)
"Non sono sempre d'accordo con me stesso".

PS: nel rileggere il post mi sono accorta che non vi ho detto niente della nonna Imma. Sarà per il nuovo ginocchio bionico o sarà per la nipotina, fatto sta che quando sono insieme bisogna controllarle per eccesso di gioco! Potere dell'ammmoreeee...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Careers Involving Animals

climbing gym in Mantua

E 'scheduled for early December opening of a new sports center dedicated to climbing the gates Mantua, exactly doffing of Curtatone very close to the Metro, Via Guareschi, a cross Fallen off the job, for those who arrive with the navigator.
The peculiarities of this sports facility are many. Not only one of the centers of climbing among the largest in Italy, but a stimulating environment full of activities and initiatives.
The center of climbing MyWall is the first center of climbing in Italy with zero emissions!
With demand for primary energy kWh/m3 less than 5.5 years, the gym is part of class A. This was achieved through a series of features and choices that are building plants in nature.
High insulation of made of autoclaved aerated concrete panels, window insulation, no thermal bridges.
The building heating / cooling needs are met by a geothermal system in vertical probes 18 probes, the largest in the province of Mantua. The electricity needs instead are covered by a photovoltaic system integrated on the roof of the building.

The savings achieved in terms of CO2 not emitted amounts to 48,000 kg / year.

This will make the center MyWall is a sports self-sufficient in energy, a first in the Italian and an example of efficiency at the international level.

rooms climbing

climbing With a total area of \u200b\u200b1000 square meters and more than 5000 vents' climbing, My Wall Climbing represents the center of absolute importance in the national scene. In the area
arramnpicata will always be an instructor STEPS (Italian Sport Climbing Federation). The room will
rope 15 m high, with a development of ways well beyond 20 m, with 29 chains and roads passable all the difficulties in complete safety.

The organization of the center

MyWall The center is placed in the Italian as one of the larger cities in which to learn and practice the ' climbing.
why people will be two rooms of climbing
The Hall of climbing rope, with walls up to 15 m, and routes of more than 20 m long, 710 square meters of climbing, climbing 3700 intakes of all forms, COLR, dimensions.
The Hall of climbing boulder, with walls up to 5 m materassone and falls behind a 60 cm thick, 270 square meters of climbing, took 1500.

But inside the center is not only climbing!

those who enjoy outdoor activities and more generally the movement can find a rich and stimulating environment initiatives.

For this reason, many spaces have been provided, in addition to the halls of climbing

A shop specializing in sports for the mountains and outdoor activities, operated by a European leader in the field: Vertical World Sport.

The ability to participate in the activities of Friends of Arco, an agency of mountain guides Arco (TN) specializes in canyoning, trekking, ski mountaineering, climbing and many other opportunities.
One area in which video will be shown the best video and mountain climbing.
not only a recreational area where you can relax and rest, but also relate with people who are on the same wavelength, to obtain information, exchange impressions.
Two fitness rooms in which we will be able to do gymnastics, martial arts, and much more, for those who want a more general training and more relaxed than climbing.

a wellness center where you can benefit from physiotherapy, shiatsu, osteopathy, advice of professional experts in the field of health, wellness, traditional and alternative therapies.

social commitment
Center accepts and promotes initiatives of solidarity for those in distress, and promises to introduce its visitors such topics as the critical consumption, the decrease, the environment, etc..

For information please contact Dr Alberto Molina at:


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