Monday, April 26, 2010

How Long Does It Take To See Results From Zumba

Pas de violence, c'est la vacance*

or "when, at times, meet new people and tendentious."
First you try to load: Friday
Sergio and I were in the office and we were just going to eat when the doorbell rings. We looked a bit 'dubious and quite worried: who could it be? Besides the intercom the mysterious visitors were announced simply as "private."
In short, we found ourselves in front of a young couple who had purchased the famous Nantes Guide and was intrigued, and decided, as a passion for design (??), to come and visit us.
You can imagine my embarrassment, not knowing exactly what to say: it is as if one walked into a doctor's office "just to look." There are elegantly perched on the glass sides ignoring the concerns of our guests. For the record, Sergio says that they were "competitors" curious and nosy. Second
incriminating evidence:
Yesterday we were, quietly, and kissed by a summer sun, the old market of Nice (in the Cours Saleya), watching BACARELLA prices soaring and beautiful.
Faced with a simple nut bread sold in less than 18 € a kilo, I turned to Sergio exclaiming "18 euro per kilo!" and I was literally blocked by two Piedmontese (husband and wife) who smugly although polite, they said, "Ehhhh, lady, and has not yet seen it all, you dear (his wife)?! We are thirty ' years that we come here, imagine. "
Instead of the smile of the fact that I managed to pull off the air and almost concerned that I have shown, I wanted to say "But I asked you something?".
load test number three:
In our building there are many Italians who have bought or rented an apartment to come and spend weekends and holidays. E 'math: If you meet on the stairs or in front of the elevator does not even greet you pay less che tu, per una ragione qualsiasi, non faccia capire che sei italiano. Solo allora si degnano di dire "Buongiorno".
Non ho spiegazioni ma sono sempre stupita di incontrare persone che "vengono a Nizza da trent'anni (vedi sopra)" e poi al mercato non sanno fare altro che indicare animatamente una cesta gridando "U-n-c-h-i-l-o-d-i-z-u-c-c-h-i-n-e, mersi".

* Citazione dal film "Brice de Nice", un divertentissimo film comico francese in uno stile a metà strada fra "Pane e tulipani" e "Tre uomini e una gamba" in cui si prendono un po' in giro anche i nizzardi (buona parte del film si svolge proprio a Nizza, motivo per cui lo abbiamo visto).

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ski Patrol (1990) Pobierz


Volevo vedere, senza avvertire no, how much time would pass before someone noticed that the blog was ("finally", some will say) updated ...
Then I thought ...
See how things have gone recently, I would have been expected for months, then to my loyal readers have sent an email warning and therefore, you who read me, know that NOT apologize for their absence.
Not because it is presumptuous, but because after so much time to catch a good risk, "but it's ..." Choral.
Glissando elegantly, then, first of all inform you that my "concubine" is back and tomorrow will be active again and the streets of this city.
La piccola Tea è sempre felice di andare a scuola e i progressi si vedono tutti: non sappiamo più come farla stare zitta.
E' una macchinetta parlante e drammaticamente incomprensibile: il suo personalissimo mix di italiano e francese ha creato un franchiano che, anche nel nome, ricorda un fantozziano linguaggio (per non offendere i nostri nonni, sottolineo che fantozziane sono soprattutto le nostre facce quando tentiamo di tradurre e capire).
La nostra vita nizzarda prosegue serenamente in una primavera che tarda a venire e che ci offre ancora parecchi brividi: usciamo in versione autunno, proseguiamo in maglioncino e torniamo a casa infreddoliti e "moccolosi".
A bassa voce I add that we also have a first draft working all local, although it is certain that will not go into port, it allows us to let us know along with our participation in the new edition of the guide NICECODE02 with a copy of which pay homage to all our friends and relatives we will find (with the not-too-hidden objective to turn it in Italy).
The new house has finally taken shape and even if small, even if the source furnished in a less expensive care of the fifth floor and although we created some problems at the beginning, is now home and I still, after all I are very fond of her.
The terrace is ready to be fully used: a few more days and we'll start with a relaxing dinner outside (we can not wait and we wait!).
And then get off and know that it is the sea, even if we do not see from the terrace, is still a good positive thinking!
In these two months I really thought about the blog: it still makes sense, I still have something new and fun to write, he will not become a sad diary?
And then I thought I could sort of give me a task, a bit 'as a journalist who receives the themes to be developed for the Air: I told myself that if I could live in a week at least one or two new activities or discover one or two new curiosity about our city or even a conoscere una o due nuove persone avrei avuto il mio tema e non vi avrei annoiato raccontando l'ennesima otite di Tea (che c'è stata) o la solita problematica con l'ufficio delle imposte (che non é ancora risolta).
E poi, con la scusa di rinfrescare l'immagine del blog, ho rivisto tutte le fotografie e i video, ho riletto molti dei commenti che sono arrivati e mi sono commossa, convincendomi che sarebbe stato davvero un peccato rinunciare a nizzaquintopiano .
Quindi, visto che vorrei approfittare dell'ispirazione ed evitare il più possibile un'altra programmazione, questa volta non vi dico quali saranno i giorni di pubblicazione: basterà passare da queste parti ogni tanto per vedere se what's new and to find Tea, and Sergio Among which, with a "been ousted, greet and welcome you.

PS: For those who do not know, "Ouistiti" besides being the popular name to call a race of monkeys, here is the word that is used to make people smile while you are going to take a picture of group (the "cheese" of France, in short).
not that I "is born learned," but after listening to one of the Tea Party to which she was invited, I have not given peace until I realized what it was. What if I say that all this time has been determined by the absence of detailed studies that I had to face to get to the title of today? :)