Friday, July 23, 2010

Car Sales Application

L'amore è letterario

Mi accorgo di essere stata troppo rude, cinica e civettuola in questo blog. Di aver voluto classificare un po' l'amore e il dolore in tipologie, gli uomini in specie, di aver scambiato il legame affettivo per un campo di battaglia, ma in fondo fa parte tutto della vita, del mondo, della natura.
Oggi ho pensato che gli amori siano un po' delle opere letterarie.

C'è l'epigramma conciso, l'amore breve e appassionato, che ci trasforma il tempo di un istante, è l'amore adultero che ci fa girare la testa, che ci tramuta da Franche fedeli a graceful butterflies in search of ecstasy.

§ 62, the metamorphosis of LEVINA

Caste Levina, not least
of ancient junipers,
although more rigid itself
of severe husband
while in the bath relaxes,
hours in the waters of Lucrino,
hours Averno,
and often while taking a hot bath
in the Baths of Baia,
here who falls in love fire:
the plant and follows a young husband:
Bay as Penelope had come,
news as Elena left.

Then there is poetry short but intense. The love is worth suffering, which is torment. No one knows how long. Concise gestures, expressions. Love all this. The love upside down.

Odi et amo. Quare id faciam, strong requiris.
Nescio, sed et excrucior pride felt the agony.

(I hate you and love you. How could do this, perhaps you wonder.
do not know, but I feel that it is and I torment.)


Then there is the Treaty rational, orderly, precise, which makes us understand what love is. What makes us feel that we have in hand what we want. The person we love, because our feeling is consistent and is reflected in our actions.

Behold, I think, as things stand. The matter is far from simple, as I said earlier: in itself is neither good nor bad. And 'if the shares are beautiful, good and bad if the shares are ugly. And 'bad thing to give a bad man and bad reasons, it is nice thing to sell to a man of value and for good reasons. Now those who behave Evil is, as before said, the vulgar lover who loves the body rather than soul. It has no consistency, because the object of his love is fickle. The weakening of the body that loves beauty, he "flies away and goes away, and betray without shame so many beautiful words, so many promises. But who loves the character of a person for its high quality, remains faithful throughout his life because his love is based on something constant. Our rules are designed to put people to test the seriousness and honesty, because you give in to men who are worth and the others fled. Encourage then to choose between good and give away, creating tests that allow to recognize that both the nature lover, of that nature is his soul. For this is plainly the best: "a ceder now there's no shame." The more time passes, in fact, the more there is evidence, it seems, the seriousness of love. A second principle, then, says that there's no shame to give up money or gaining political advantage, whether you are intimidated by facing decisive action, which makes it unable to respond, whether you do not reject with indignation the lure of wealth and political success: none of this has the air of being solid and stable, and therefore could not come no generous friendship.
Plato, Symposium

And yet there is a great novel long and boring.

do not carry.

And the form, ideal for me, the novel long and perfect.

- Our grandparents lived better. Why not follow our impulses?
After all, love was such an important thing.
- But he realizes that what he is saying it is immoral?
sull'amorino had returned. He came and sat next to her, at her feet.
- But see I'm not lying! Who wants to please women that remains is the farce or tragedy. Simply declare his love serves no other purpose than to be fooled! To me that whole slew of feelings in which toys, tantamount to desecration of true love.
I watched, half-closed eyelids. Fredric leaned toward his face and almost in a whisper:
- It 's so, I'm afraid of her, maybe I offend? ... Excuse me! ... I would not have wanted to say all these things! It is not my fault, she's so beautiful!

Flaubert, Sentimental Education

And then there's the kind of all over 2010. The comic erotic. Why pull so much.


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