Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Difference Between Cramps And Af

March 1: Raid in Cie of Bologna Via Mattei-Dax

> 12 Hours
a hundred activists of the center of the OPT and have anti-racist network Welcome to the press, few minutes ago, to be within the Centre for Identification and Expulsion of Via Mattei, between the wall el'inferriata.
"The situation is tense," says one of the protesters by phone to Zeroincondotta, "there have been scuffles with police, Police and Army." The migrants locked inside started screaming and throwing things in the direction of the police, and was set fire to mattresses and sheets.
by activists to reach the call many in the outside of the Cie (Roveri suburban railway station, bus stop Barracks Chiarini 89-99, 14A stop Barelli)
The action is part of the "Day Without Me", and strike with migrants

> Hours 14.15
Activists from the TPO and anti-racist network of Welcome continues to occupy the area between the outer wall and the inner gate of Cie Via Mattei. The protesters explained that at first a group managed to overcome the second barrier, but at that point is a charge taken by the military who patrol the property. The migrants locked inside threw objects at the police, who it turns out they have responded with batons over them. From the main building of the CIE were raised a few columns of smoke. The area is completely surrounded by the police to filter access by identifying those who seek to come closer. This is to let a delegation, which also take part in the regional councilors Sconciaforni Federation (the left) and Meo (Verdi).

> 14.30
Protesters, tells our correspondent in via Mattei, I managed to get by the Prefecture and the police can get away without being identified by the CIE. The garrison then will move outside the main entrance of the Cie, so do get a delegazione. Il Tpo dà ai migranti reclusi la disponibilità per l’assistenza legale gratuita. Gian Marco del Tpo: “Si riapre la lotta per la chiusura dei Cie e contro il legame tra lavoro e permesso di soggiorno. Vogliamo una legge per l’asilo europeo per tutti coloro che si sono ribellati nel mediterraneo. Ora usciamo portando in corteo le scale che abbiamo usato per entrare qui”.

> Ore 14,55
Una delegazione con i consiglieri regionali Sconciaforni e Meo, insieme ad un’attivista di Ya Basta, è entrata all’interno del Cie. Le forze dell’ordine intanto stanno rimuovendo i blocchi posti tutto intorno alla struttura. All’esterno, oltre all’incursione di Tpo e Rete Welcome, has also played another garrison racist.


15:30 pm During the protest the activists of the OPT chanted several times a megaphone calling a phone number of migrants detained in Cie in contact with them. A Tunisian boy was able to call and said "of protests that go on for days, new arrivals from Tunisia and a number of people exceeding the capacity of the center, and many are forced to sleep on the floor." Many of them, still an activist, I've never been in jail in their country and they can not understand why, just arrived in Italy to be locked up in what is' in effect a prison.

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