Thursday, December 17, 2009
Como Poner Poptropica Multiplayer
Monday afternoon, when I went to take the Tea crèche, Anne, the teacher asked me if I would go the next day.
Where? (I had no idea ...)
"There are Christmas carols and if he can 'come and sing."
In theory, the book which should facilitate communication between schools and parents we spoke with a Dec. 15 Christmas songs but it was stated that they could participate.
Imagine, an invitation to sing, without specimens, to me that I love the songs of Christmas as it was put in a pastry shop and say "It 's yours!".
So the next day, half an hour earlier than usual, and so a small group of parents, I would say most mothers of a father, he found himself out of the class of chicks waiting for the MESTRA Anne desse l'ok per farci entrare.
L'unico dato di cui eravamo a conoscenza era che ci era stato chiesto di vestire i bimbi con una maglietta rossa.
Quando è arrivato il momento, siamo entrati (in totale sei o sette persone), un po' trepidanti e molto emozionati e ci siamo trovati davanti a due file di seggioline in stile "sette nani" pronte per farci accomodare e ad un gruppetto stupefatto di gnometti rossi con tanto di cappellino dal pom-pom rosso.
Credo che i bambini fossero circa una decina e sette piangevano per la sorpresa e la novità: non appena vedevano entrare un genitore piangevano anche di più o iniziavano a farlo. Gli unici due o tre impassibili erano quelli i cui genitori non erano potuti venire.
Insomma, la scena era buffa e drammatica al tempo stesso, soprattutto per le maestre (c'era anche quella di inglese per i canti in lingua straniera eh eh) che pero' sono state coraggiose e divertenti.
I canti erano piu' che altro dei balletti e i genitori, che avrebbero potuto cantare, erano troppo timidi per farlo (io pero', che ho scoperto di avere un po' di sfacciatagine nelle mie corde, ci ho provato e ho anche abbozzato un "bravo à la maitresse Anne!" per cercare di incoraggiarla un po' nell'affrontare un'impresa a mio avviso davvero titanica).
Come si dice in genere, tutto è bene quel che finisce bene e cosi' è stato anche in questo caso con baci ed abbracci finali e consegna di bellissimi quaderni personalizzati e alberelli per decorare la casa fatti direttamente dai bambini.
Per chi se lo fosse chiesto, i lutin sono gli gnometti che aiutano Babbo Natale a preparare i pacchettini regalo.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Check Balance Prepaid Usaa Card
Finalmente oggi abbiamo ricevuto il contratto firmato per l'affitto della nuova casa e quindi è ufficiale: da domani possiamo iniziare i preparativi per riuscire a trasferirci entro la fine dell'anno che, improvvisamente, ci appare vicinissima.
Ammettiamo che il nuovo appartamento non è paragonabile al quinto piano, anche per colpa dei soliti proprietari italiani che, contrariamente a quello che fanno tutti gli altri stranieri che qui a Nizza hanno comprato delle case per ammobiliarle e poi affittarle, hanno utilizzato gli scarti di precedenti traslochi for "do matter", but anyway we will try to make it a welcoming place for those who want to visit us.
Meanwhile in other office packages are finding their way to carry our Christmas greetings to some friends and associates, we are so late that desperate to make it in time!
Today we also lost the morning to try to solve the problem of our health insurance card, we have discovered that I was registered regularly, though not as it should be borne Tea, but no one had informed me, rather than Sergio, who arrive communications virtually every day, there is officially nowhere.
Even the clerk was able to explain l'enigma: noi speriamo almeno che la sua promessa di farci avere una immatricolazione temporanea entro una settimana venga mantenuta.
Per la tessera defintiva ci ha chiesto speranza e fedeltà perchè ci vorranno almeno due mesi.
Stasera ricomincio le respirazioni rilassanti...
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Radio Stations That Play Panic At The Disco
In questi giorni mi capita spesso di pensare a cosa stessimo facendo l'anno scorso di questi tempi, quando eravamo a Nizza solo da pochi giorni.
Mi chiedo se siamo cambiati in questo anno, se sono cambiate le nostre percezioni della città o i nostri sentimenti.
Per curiosità sono andata a vedere quando l'avventura del blog è iniziata: era il 5 dicembre 2008 e quindi, ufficialmente, è più di un anno that "NICE, fifth floor," saw the light.
Christmas brings with it a bit 'of harmless nostalgia and rediscover the city as we know it began to move me a bit' and excites me greatly. We love our
this very nice, the colors of the sea, its sun always warm, friendly people and its normal and "out" and a bit 'sad, its magnificent architecture and elegant and abundant green and cured, the Coffee that in December you can 'drink and sit out the baguette hot even at seven in the evening, the promenade full of people running or walking law is arguing ride in the bath.
And even if the episodes infastidenti fateful and there have been and will not fail, we're happy and excited the choice we made, especially for tea, who knows how to say 'apo' "to" chapeau "(hat) but also" not yet "to" still do not go to bed "and that surprised us today with a" Papa Noel "(" Father Christmas "in French family).
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Wedding Monogram Plastic Cups
I apologize for the delay, but yesterday I had neither ready nor the photographs are genuine, the energy to write anything.
But the fact that nobody has complained that it makes me think:
a) I lost all players;
b) the players are not lost but is too busy with Christmas preparations did not notice that on Monday, the blog is missing;
c) all of my readers know by now that punctuality is not my honor.
However, our days were held in the name of Imma presence of her grandmother who arrived in Nice on Friday to celebrate the feast of the Immaculate.
Again, as for grandparents Brescia, neither the grandmother nor the grandson were minimally expressed their emotions, apart from 4387650620 47367925012745 hugs and buckets of tears that have been paid.
Nice, meanwhile, was quietly dressed in their Sunday best: place Massena shines with beautiful and unusual plays of light (Tea has enjoyed like crazy to try to "catch" those who ran amok on the ground like balls), the nearby gardens, in addition to the legendary Ferris wheel that has returned once again, we are enriched by a dedicated path to Russia matryoshkas and wonderful Santa Claus and hand-painted wood, not far away, small little wooden stalls of the Christmas market heat the air (actually not at all cold) with thousands of colors and scents .
We are looking at every way to soak in the atmosphere natalazia Tea, telling of the nativity scene and Santa and fury of books (even the teacher Anne there has lent a), songs, rhymes and doodles perhaps something we have achieved.
For a number of organizational reasons, we will spend our Christmas in Brescia and the decorations will not be worthy of the name (on the fifth floor will have only the bare minimum due to the relocation): at home my tree has always been done only after the arrival of Saint Lucia, December 13, and this year will be different also because Sergio has to pick it up in Milan (and do not ask me why we have brought back after the Christmas 'last year).
From next year (not to be confused too Tea), I am sure that Saint Lucia will make a move to Nice and we will see some beautiful eprchè also do not think the teacher Anne has books on this legend ...
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Jenna Jameson Free Film Streaming
Today I dedicate this post to those who were wondering how the emergency is dealt with in France "swine flu" and were curious about the climate that reigns in schools or at least in the school of Tea.
Monday, November 30, 2009
I-catcher Webmonitor Live
Decisamente gli ultimi giorni si sono svolti all'insegna della presenza al quinto piano dei nonni "bresciani" che sono stati anche premiati con due giornate di sole estivo e temperature più che miti.
Tea, dopo un primo momento di grandissime sorpresa e meraviglia, si è totalmente lasciata andare e credo che impiegheremo parecchio tempo a farle capire che i nonni non si sono nascosti ma sono tornati a casa.
Ovviamente i nonni, loro, sono rimasti come al solito freddi e glaciali... Noooooooooooooooooooooo, ma che scrivo, è stato tutto un fine settimana zuccheroso e coccoloso! Era deciso che venerdì saremmo andati tutti insieme a prendere Tea all'asilo e l'abbraccio del primo incontro con i nonni è stato talmente commovente che anche la maestra Anne mi ha chiesto se era così tanto tempo che il terzetto non si incontrava.
Nonno U. ha realizzato il suo desiderio di andare a fare una passeggiata solo con Tea e potete immaginare come ne è tornato: un bambino in un negozio di caramelle sarebbe stato meno entusiasta e felice di quel bel nonno che si ritrova mia figlia.
Nonna C., invece, ha approfittato dei due giorni per rimettersi in pari con tutti i giochi e gli amichetti "invisibili" di Tea: alla fine del soggiorno le due si intendevano come al solito alla perfezione e non ce n'è stato per nessun altro.
Sarà perchè anche l'amichetta di Tea all'asilo coincidentally named Carla ...
Sergio and I we took the opportunity to pull a bit 'breath e. .. to finish the office!
time taking photos and also the blog will record this historic moment.
And tomorrow is officially a year that we are in Nice!
PS: Lalla, for the same reason that you explained in the mail today, are not yet able to publish the photos you sent me. Barring unforeseen circumstances (which for us are becoming the practice), the morning we should do (I had to make copies and copies of e-mails for fear of losing everything!).
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Food To Stop Vitiligo
I am genuinely moved: to receive in the mail, after only three days, directly from my "home village" il benedetto estratto di nascita ha restituito positività ed energie ad una settimana un po' fiacchetta.
Il signor M.A., responsabile della velocità dell'operazione, non solo ha inviato il documento che avevo richiesto, ma per scrupolo ha anche allegato la copia del certificato originale in cui, in una calligrafia di quelle belle di una volta, si precisa che sono nata alle ore 16.35.
Mamma Carla mi aveva detto che ero nata intorno alle 16.30 ma l'ora precisa era sfuggita e, avendola recuperata, ho potuto finalmente verificare un dato la cui incertezza mi ha sempre provocato angoscia e dubbi.
Ci speravo proprio, perchè, almeno sulla carta, ho un carattere deciso e sicuro: l'importante è believe it and forget it!
That aside, awaiting the arrival of the grandparents, we dedicate ourselves to work, although in recent days we also had to deal with practices (especially paper) for the lease of the new house (we have our share of the signed contract and expect that the owners do their job with no surprises) and buy some "perdotempo" as I call them, or those that force you to go to a shopping center outside Nice because nowhere else you can find the article sought .
and yesterday was really important: the special diapers that Tea uses kindergarten.
These diapers that are similar to that of her panties and when they fade ... something was done, so to speak.
are used when children begin to be interested in the jar seems to nursery and as Tea is much more emancipated than at home, we trust and hope.
short, in this case, the important thing is to believe and forget about it.
PS: Lalla sent me some wonderful pictures that are obviously on the computer in the office. Tomorrow, the public and do not miss it (though I'll leave 'on line for a while').
Monday, November 23, 2009
Make Lampshade With Parchment
Wait a minute, you're already thinking about evil, I know, but with the post title I'm not referring to today, working Monday and fully operational, but at the weekend.
After busy days and quite agitated, we decided that Saturday and Sunday were spent with lightness and serenity, complete with a carousel for Tea: and judging from his face when we promised three laps I really believe that we have done in his case the center. Apart from the usual
then cleaning the fifth floor and the crisis with an emergency route from boiler cold water returned alone to the hair this morning (strike a thermostat?), We only enjoyed Nice with its beautiful sea, small surprise events (this time a parade of Citroen of all ages), races with a marathon runner when he sees that Tea is definitely hit the ground running, tourists always present and a good movie on DVD.
may seem trivial and perhaps tedious, but I assure you that not asking for anything more to cushion the "shot" of the house and prepare mentally for a new move.
And hopefully in the next blog or a maximum of one on Monday came the photographs of the office!
I've said that maybe there's Thursday, that's incredible, the grandparents of Brescia?!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Los Papeles De La Licencia
admit that the last two delays have made me doubt that you have chosen the right days for the twice-weekly publication of the blog, but it is in this month seem to have decided to drive us crazy with last-minute surprises.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Frequence Nilesat Bahrine
Innanzitutto chiedo perdono per il ritardo di questo post, dovuto in parte ad una improvvisa influenza lampo della scrivente che ieri sera era totalmente cotta e priva di forze (stranamente se sto troppi giorni in casa mi ammalo mentre se devo uscire e correre da una parte all'altra della città sono in formissima), in parte alla mancanza di immagini fotografiche per il reportage e in parte ad un problema di logistica tecnologica (ovveri tutti i pc sono in ufficio e a casa siamo al vuoto spinto tecnologico).
Certo, la mancanza di attività particolarmente stimolanti e la ripetitività di questi giorni non mi hanno davvero fornito molti spunti per le fotografie ma vedrò di rimediare oggi. Those new
Lallafiori, however, beautiful as always, the public immediately.
Today I write the blog from the office and hence the photo of the calendar comes a little 'later (long time is a dancer and still do not know whether to put the sun or clouds).
said that, given the success that he found the "system" to put on a coat of Tea (Tea in brackets is the nursery and it seems that otitis if not totally defeat is at least dying), I will tell you how did this discovery on our part.
few days ago we went to take tea at the creche and his whole class was in the backyard to play (after 16.20, if the weather allows, the children wait for parents outside).
We are meeting the teacher and Anne begins to tell us and a couple of other moms (especially important is that there were more mothers ...) what children had done and learned that day and he comes out all excited with "the system to get the jacket."
"You know that now all the children put on their own coat?"
And we, as a group: "But noooo, and how do they do?"
and zac!
The teacher suddenly takes off his jacket, throws it on the ground on the spot, heedless of the leaves of crumbs Sassetti, and makes us see the "system" that you saw in the video.
not tell you the face of the mothers (including me): a mixture of surprise, upset, disbelief.
And on the lips of all, silently, one sentence: "Yes, but then you wash the coat!"
Poor thing, the teacher was very happy with this fantastic idea (you can imagine what is not said Sergio exit), and we tried to sound excited but I think we have succeeded only partially.
do not know if the "system" is still used but certainly at home after the phase "you do" and "does my mother," we went to "do it Iaia (the doll)" and "Tea with the jacket does Iaia of "...
One thing is certain: the teacher Anne has no children.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Do Arizona Driver's Licenses Have Holograms?
It 's a couple of days that Sergio and I we continue to confuse us with the calendar and today I felt the need to write * the post from Monday while Thursday.
The reason is: Wednesday was a big party to celebrate the armistice between France and Germany during the First World War.
Unlike other celebrations, this one seemed particularly strong so that even pre-schools were closed and only a few large shopping malls and downtown shops have played the card of the opening special.
year, then, happened for the first time in the history of the anniversary, the head of the German government in office was invited to join in the celebrations in France: it is now certain, Sarco 'and Angela are inseparable and very much in tune , which will make someone happy in New York.
We just poorly informed and involved, we have more than anything else the opportunity to make a nice trip to Antibes, where we also greeted with Lalla and the beach where we enjoyed a nice Mino swim in the sea (Lalla, Tea and Sergio) and sun (the less courageous writer and Mino).
Today is the day's out of the accounts, accommodation, for a change, and office chairs big disappointment for the delivery of what we called the show room: The new chairs are nice and white, the table, a bit 'less new, is also white and beautiful but ... whites are different from each other and the effect is really bad, not to use euphemisms. The die is
and suddenly we have to find a free and effective solution.
When ideas are scarce also because this was shot in the evening news amplified by the beautiful Tea which is again cooled and hopefully only this: the fourth otitis think it would be a European record.
* Since everything we possess the technology is moving in the office, I write the blog with the small netbook PC bought here in France. Consequently, the keyboard is different, and especially miss some accented letters, like the "o" and the "i". Pardon!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Ikusa Otome Suvia 3 Streaming
start at the end because I know that the lighthouse 'happy many of you are back on the fifth floor Gianni & Costello Show (also known as Bibi' & Bibo ')!
Yes, another trouble and always in the same room: the beloved water heater, recessed into the ceiling (there's that say about the vision of the architect who has placed the apartment) has kicked the bucket yesterday morning and today we are totally no hot water.
A certain serenity is given to us by the fact that at least in the office we have a nice bath running, but certainly this "disgrace" we would have gladly spared ...
However, with the excuse that the fifth floor falls apart, we covertly real estate agent mentioned that we could also stop for a couple of months in piu ': perhaps, to recover the costs of the new water heater (yes, I forgot, the old can not be repaired) il proprietario ci permetterà di rimandare la problematica della casa.
Una volta ogni tanto non è poi cosi' male fare gli struzzi!
Il week end si è svolto all'insegna del lavoro (ma Tea non se ne è minimamente accorta).
Sabato ci siamo dati alle spese folli... follucce, diciamo.
Qualche oggetto di arredo in un negozio, Fly, che è una specie di versione francese di Ikea, e soprattutto il necessaire (in tutti i sensi) per l'ufficio in un Carrefour immenso: cancelleria, detersivi, strofinacci, posate, bacinelle, scope, spazzole, insomma, tutto quello che vi viene in mente per riempire un bagno, una cucina, tre camere al momento semi-vuote e altrettanti armadi-archivi.
Domenica, invece, we relaxed hunting in the boats of the Louis Vuitton trophy and making a detour to a small Salone del Mobile, which takes place in these days the Acropolis.
walk from the port at the fair we realized that Nice is a city where anyone can 'find a diversion to his own taste: free concerts of classical music, poker tournaments, smaller fairs dedicated to-market territory, energy saving, or biological.
Today we also saw an alternative to our house (but it was too expensive) and tomorrow we will see another: that is clear, will not be easy to fall ... even if the fifth floor, is certainly will be missed ...
PS: there is still a wonderful and amazing picture that sent me Lalla but I left the office and then will publish it 'until tomorrow. Watch out!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Canceling A Membership Of A Church
Geothermal Development Consortium (Co.Svi.G), in collaboration with the International Center of Innovation Technology Transfer (CITT) and the Centre of Excellence for Geothermal Larderello (CEGL) started a project in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce Leskovac, Serbia, starting a first experience of transnational co-operation with Serbia. In an interview for "Geothermal Energy News" Loredana Torsello, head of the city of Monterotondo, explains how he started a process of exchange and cooperation aimed at supporting the processes of exploitation and development of energy resources in the districts of Jablanica and Pcinja, in particular , biomass and geothermal energy, which the region of southern Serbia is particularly rich. "From the standpoint of potential energy - Loredana Torsello says - the situation is very interesting, but still confused. The first information collected allows us to assume at least two types of energy supply for this region of Serbia: biomass and geothermal energy. On the one hand, are evident the enormous resources of forest biomass, which characterizes the area. We speak of timber that is used both for export and for feed the mobile, "he added. As for the geothermal resource, it appears totally underutilized, as noted in the previous fact-finding mission - in principle The use for energy, thermal and / or electrical, it is the best strategy to accompany the developments of the spas in Serbia, which has distant traditions. For the first development of this cooperation project, the Torsello says it will be necessary to enable a direct channel with municipalities having the three major geothermal fields Known and proposed the formula of business consortia for the joint management of lands and resources held. The Co.Svi.G. and the District of Tuscan Renewable Energy will provide its experience in the field, as they were considered best practices to be analyzed and possibly even move in the legal, administrative and institutional framework in order to create a consortium of municipalities and boards of geothermal areas. "Exchanges of information and contacts - which culminated with the visit of President of the Chamber of Commerce Leskovac, Goran Jovic, Monterotondo Marittimo last August - have allowed a clearer mutual interest - the fold Torsello - has launched a itinerary finalized the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Co.Svi.G, Icarus Ltd., the Chamber of Commerce Leskovac and some municipalities of the districts of Jablanica and Pcinja to pursue a path of socio-economic development including the enhancement of strategic resources renewable energy and geothermal in particular those that characterize their territories in order to promote sustainable social and economic type of eco-friendly and sustainable. "
TAG: Geothermal Geothermal
Saval Srl - Geothermal conditioning
TAG: The M P I A N T I G E O T E R M I A
Thursday, November 5, 2009
How Long Before Bed Should I Take Ativan
words: begins the odyssey of properties, houses and squalid "treks" through the streets of Nice. We
postponed until now, rather weak excuses, but now I just can not wait any longer, unless you want to spend the next few New Year's Day under the shadow of the bridge.
In short, we have two months to find a new place as the good "fifth plane" has kindly evicted.
Already today we visited two apartments, one of which is also quite interesting, but we immediately encountered the first difficulty.
first point, for long periods the only ones available homes are empty, often without even the kitchen and this is the problem of how to fill the rooms without bloodletting.
second point, to rent to a family of foreigners like us asking many owners including a guarantee that there is absolutely impossible to provide: the last tax return was in French.
Since we are taxpayers, but recently we have no clear statement to be presented and the solution which is proposed to overcome the impasse is to pay a whole year in advance. What
rather expensive, no!?
Well, we'll see, or rather "they're going to see" and until we find the right one a bit 'ostriches who do not know if they know and do not want to see.
Tea, she is totally unaware and happy lives of his asylum and his return to the routine today officially ended All Saints' Day holiday, the teachers have returned to teaching and learning programs can continue.
The class of Tea has been involved in decorating the yellow sheets on which the chicks were drawn: indeed, such Poussins, could only take the "school" confirming their identity!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Outlet Mall Near Watertown Ny
We've done it: we managed to fight otitis Tea, visit the exhibition on Buddhism, go to the hairdresser, take the tram and also have a look at the Museum of Photography and images that look case, it is within walking distance from us and for this had been neglected until now. I must be honest
a mother: if the hairdresser I had no doubt that eventually we would have taken a liking Tea ushering in two years and two months, a long aesthetic adventure, no doubt for the rest of the tram has swept the exhibitions and wonderful works that we have seen (apart from the Chinese opera masks that we passed off as "Monstres et cie." and then were immediately worship ...).
Earlier still, every time he passed the tram, we had healthy shouting "hello!", Imagine now!
the hairdresser, even the hairdresser, we met a very nice person and love to have lived in Italy ten years in Rome at some point came into the shop in perfect Italian child with pure Roman accent greeted us kindly ... pretty funny.
Today, after almost a week, Tea is back to creche and he did it with joy and a smile on his lips was so tired that evening at eight and a quarter had been to bed ...
We are continuing with pride in the decoration of the office, it will be immodest, but is being really good (Lalla, you'll wait for the photos but not for long).
The good news today is that Sergio has gone by the dietitian who has made sound compliments the acquired form and tenacity.
Bravo, Love, and do not give up!
PS: Girando per Nizza, abbiamo scoperto che dal 7 al 22 novembre la Baia degli Angeli sarà il teatro delle sfide fra otto equipaggi mitici della vela mondiale, compresi due italiani. Noi siamo già andati a curiosare e il 15 cercheremo di non perdere la grande festa che sarà organizzata al porto.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tissues In Finger Cut
Yesterday was fine, so we are convinced that today was Friday and would definitely go to the creche and instead had a relapse this morning: nothing serious, just annoying tenths of a degree above the temperature that made us choose keep her at home until Monday.
E 'then with embarrassment that I admit the lack of arguments, unless there is some interest excerpt from "Monstres & cie." or the amazing story of a certain Little Red Riding Hood (I tried to alternate with "The Sleeping Beauty" but as in the book of fairy tales at the beginning of the story is a picture of a mouse sleeping, I can not unrivet Tea URL of battle "sleep, sleep!" is therefore not far beyond the "once upon a time"). In the meantime we
(ams have) ended the extra cleaning and office, otitis permitting, at the end of next week should be operating at 90%.
From here on Monday, again depending on the conditions of Tea, we have a rich program of cultural activities and surroundings: to bring Tea to cut hair in the brand new show dedicated solely to children (they assured me that they know how to hold to your children since of age and over), take a tram Tea because it is in love with him and have promised to visit an exhibition at the Musée d'Arts ASIATIQUES ("Treasures Buddhism in the land of Genghis Khan) that if we lose it and there no end and, of course, clean the house that never hurts.
paraphrase a famous movie ("The plane in Love"): I chose the wrong day to stop writing the blog ...
The angle of the quote (and woe to those who criticize "Victor")
Monday, October 26, 2009
Varenicline Tartrate Trials Tingling Sensation
This afternoon, the creche has been a major event and deserves to be mentioned: Tea for the first time asked to pee on the toilet (and this is not news) and did (and this is indeed a novelty !)!!!
And the funny thing is that the same Laetitia and assistants today were all proud and happy to tell us about the event!
A little 'sorry we are not there, but then we thought it is still the same beautiful and we are pleased that Tea feels so comfortable with the school staff to have no qualms or fears.
As for the weekend say it went better than expected: Tea was covered with affection by all three of his grandparents and some grandfather Umberto, with the face (Pardon, father) boiled fish with which he has demonstrated that it had accepted its bite.
None suspected that we'd arrived to celebrate his 24th birthday, and when tea was facing into the room where he was reading was by a miracle that the lower jaw does not fall to the ground!
The grandmother, however, as you may have guessed, remained impassive as usual, and if you have not ventured into an Indian dance of thanks was out of pure shame.
Tea, so pampered and spoiled for three days, during the return trip has done nothing but sleep ... We, a little 'less tainted but still a bit' spoiled, we would gladly ...
A jeudi!
La citazione selezionata per oggi:
Je ne suis pas toujours de mon avis. (Paul Valéry)
"Non sono sempre d'accordo con me stesso".
PS: nel rileggere il post mi sono accorta che non vi ho detto niente della nonna Imma. Sarà per il nuovo ginocchio bionico o sarà per la nipotina, fatto sta che quando sono insieme bisogna controllarle per eccesso di gioco! Potere dell'ammmoreeee...
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Careers Involving Animals
This will make the center MyWall is a sports self-sufficient in energy, a first in the Italian and an example of efficiency at the international level.
rooms climbing
arramnpicata will always be an instructor STEPS (Italian Sport Climbing Federation). The room will
rope 15 m high, with a development of ways well beyond 20 m, with 29 chains and roads passable all the difficulties in complete safety.
The organization of the center
MyWall The center is placed in the Italian as one of the larger cities in which to learn and practice the ' climbing.
why people will be two rooms of climbing
The Hall of climbing rope, with walls up to 15 m, and routes of more than 20 m long, 710 square meters of climbing, climbing 3700 intakes of all forms, COLR, dimensions.
The Hall of climbing boulder, with walls up to 5 m materassone and falls behind a 60 cm thick, 270 square meters of climbing, took 1500.
But inside the center is not only climbing!
those who enjoy outdoor activities and more generally the movement can find a rich and stimulating environment initiatives.
The ability to participate in the activities of Friends of Arco, an agency of mountain guides Arco (TN) specializes in canyoning, trekking, ski mountaineering, climbing and many other opportunities.
a wellness center where you can benefit from physiotherapy, shiatsu, osteopathy, advice of professional experts in the field of health, wellness, traditional and alternative therapies.
social commitment

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TAG: The M P I A N T I G E O T E R M I A
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Healthy Eating Slogons
Source House and Climate
On 1 July 2009 shall enter into force required to draw up the certificate energy certification for individual units, even under the 1000 square meters, sold or rented (both existing and new construction). The discipline of buildings is contained in Legislative Decree no. August 19, 2005, No 192 (which implemented Directive 2002/91/EC). Paragraphs 3 and 4 of article. 6 and paragraphs 8 and 9 of Article. 15 of Legislative Decree no. 192/2005 provided for the requirement to attach dell'AQE, Qualification Certificate Energy, or ACE, energy performance certificate in the file transfer for consideration (and the provision in the case of lease ) and the respective penalties nullità.Tale legislation was subsequently amended by Legislative Decree no. December 29, 2006, No 311 and last by dl 112/2008 into law August 6, 2008 No That Article 133. 35 paragraph 2 a signed Calderoli, which sanctioned the removal with immediate effect in the act of substantiation of the transfer for value by repealing the above paragraphs 3 and 4 of Art. 6 and paragraphs 8 and 9 of Article. 15 of Legislative Decree no. 192/2005. But the law 133, created to simplify the issue, instead he has tangled. Skip yes, at national level, the requirement of allegation, but was to equip the building of the certificate.
Failure to guarantee to the purchaser or lessee of the certification has been triggered by the Commission's request for clarification and additional formal notice (for the facts aggiunti) dell'Italia, che ora dovrà fornire risposta alle osservazioni della Commissione entro il prossimo 25 luglio, a meno che chieda, con specifica motivazione, una proroga. Entro il 4 gennaio 2009 l'Italia avrebbe dovuto conformarsi integralmente a quanto stabilito dal citato art. 7, secondo il quale “gli Stati membri provvedono a che, in fase di costruzione, compravendita o locazione di un edificio, l'attestato di certificazione sia messo a disposizione del proprietario o che questi lo metta a disposizione del futuro acquirente o locatario, a seconda dei casi”.ACE o AQE?Quanto la faccenda sia complessa è presto detto. Ancora non si può parlare di Attestato di certificazione energetica perché tutt'ora mancano le Linee Guida national certification. It is a fact contained in the recent Presidential Decree 59 Regulation on Implementation of Article 4, paragraph 1, letters a) and b) of Legislative Decree 19 August 2005, No 192, regarding implementation of Directive 2002/91/EC on energy efficiency in construction, OJ No 132 of 06.10.2009, effective from June 25 to pronounce on the adoption of the methodology of calculation based on the Uni TS 11300, already adopted by the CDM, 31 May 2008, dl 115/08Quindi until the entry into force of the Lines National Guidelines for regions that have legislated in the field * (Veneto, Abruzzo, Calabria, Lazio, Molise, Sardinia and Sicily), the energy performance certificate is energy replaced by a certificate of qualification, prepared by the project manager and presented to the City of competence of the declaration of the end lavori.Cosa happens from 1 July 2009? To put in a setting so clearly at issue is a study recently spoke Studio No 334-2009 / C of the Higher Council of Notaries to suggest lines of conduct for notaries in relation to the substantiation of the ACE or AQE rogito.A from 1 July 2009 all buildings must be equipped with energy performance certificates as provided in Article. 6 of the decree. Until the date of entry into force of the national guidelines the ACE certificate is replaced for all purposes Energy by the certificate of qualification (AQE). The requirement of equipment related to real estate for new construction, or which have undergone major renovations cd, rests in the hands of the manufacturer, for all other buildings required endowment is expected to head to the seller. Confirmed remain the exceptions in art. 3, paragraph 3, for which you wish to be excluded from the arrangements in order the following types of real estate: real estate falling into the code of cultural heritage and landscape; industrial buildings, workshops and non-residential agricultural environments when they are heated to the needs of the production process or by using waste energy of the production process not otherwise be used; isolated buildings with a total floor area of \u200b\u200bless than 50 meters quadrati.Dal 1 July 2009 is no longer possible to distinguish between "old" and "new" property having rendered indistinguishable for all buildings required to budget. Stay to the parties the possibility of disciplinary convention, as specified below, the procedures for completion of compulsory allocation of the document and its AQE consegna.Secondo the Notaries, the obligation to equip the building energy of the certificate of qualification, although required by law on the part of the seller or the manufacturer, it can be assumed by the purchaser under a specific agreement, to which the parties adequately informed and evaluated their specific interests, they can reach in the notarial deed. It follows that the property can be provided even after the deed of AQE. From these indications are the duty of the Notary to adequately inform the parties on the regulation on energy saving in buildings and the obligation to give each building an energy class. As for the different delivery obligation, the notary will inform the parties that no limitation to that effect, to be performed for the transfer, is placed in the hands of the decree stesse.Con reference to the "old" buildings, if anything, the vendor could be required delivery of documents relating to 'use' of the thing, That obligation is considered to be derogated peacefully express will of the parties. It will be recalled, in particular, for buildings constructed or renovated under a building permit or DIA, and presented their requests in a period from 8 October 2005 and December 31, 2008, energy certification affects the effectiveness of declaration of completion of work (art. 8 co. 2 of the decree), and, on the basis of art. 2 co. 282 l. 244/2007 (Law for the financial year 2008) energy certification is an element that makes the certificate of agibilità.SanzioniVa finally remembered that the only penalty specification alleging failure to fulfill obligation provisioning as specified in Art. 15 co. 7 of the Order, for which the manufacturer not supplying the same to the property owner (according to which types of art. 6 co. 1) the original of the energy certificate is punishable by fine of not less than 5000 and not more than € 30,000 €. And thus indirectly admitting that they can come before or after the handover of the deed of sale, delivery dell'AQE may not coincide with the moment of regional LombardiaAncora stipulazione.Il device once the Lombardia region has taken a step forward, and according to what was mentioned by the Notary Nails - spoke at the Next Meeting Energy, tenutosi al politecnico di Milano ed organizzato da MCE Expocomfot -, che ha partecipato alla redazione della DGR, sarà di prossima pubblicazione una legge regionale che definirà le sanzioni cui incorreranno i venditori che non ottempereranno all'obbligo di allegazione. Non solo, anche i notai, qualora ricevessero un atto che per qualche fattispecie fosse sprovvisto del certificato, sarebbero tenuti a trasmettere telematicamente al Cestec l'atto di trasferimento entro 15 gg.Cosa accade in sede di rogito notarileFermo restando quanto sopra precisato sull’obbligo di informazione, e sull’eventuale documentazione di essa all'interno dell'atto, in sede di contrattazione al notaio potrebbero presentarsi i seguenti casi che, secondo il Consiglio Top of the Notary may be as governed by: 1) the property is equipped with the energy performance certificate. In such a case could be alienating the party: a) to deliver the buyer AQE b) does not deliver the AQE purchaser for already delivered the first act, or because alienating the party will strive to make delivery. In the case of new building, the notary will inform the administrative sanction under Article. 15 co. 7 of the decree, 2) the property does not have the energy certification. In that case (which also falls in which the parties declare that they do not know if the building is equipped dell'AQE) the parties fully informed by the notary, the latter will be urged to regulate on who bears the obligation to equip the building dell'AQE. This stipulation is not an obstacle to administrative sanction under Article. 15 co. Chapter 7 in the constructor, however, intended to pursue the conduct of the latter if you have agreed to pass on to the buyer of the obligation provided. With respect to this hypothesis can therefore distinguish between: a) Transfer of an "old" building, in which case, although not sanctioned by the decree included the failure of the energy certificate, the notary will notify the parties of non-compliance with art. 6, paragraph 1 bis, inviting them to adjust the specification as a requirement, which could remain in the hands of the seller as required by law (Article 6 co. 1 a) - including the possibility (with assessment to be made case by case basis by the intention expressed by the parties) also contractual penalties for the seller in default - that is, move to the head compratore.b) Transfer of new building that is subject to important restructuring cd art. 3 co. 2 lett. a) the decree in this case is the above including the possibility of freely agreeing to be paid by the budget will have obligations of certification. In this case also, the notary will remind the manufacturer with the sanction against him under Article 15 co. 7 of decreto.Va signaled the importance of obtaining complete information of the notary in favor of parties in the negotiation of new or completely renovated buildings, noting that in certain circumstances it may seem important to account for in the act of what has been agreed by the contractors. This highlights that for the energy certification in relation to the issuance of other documents related to the property covered by the trasferimento.____________ * The regions that have legislated in the energy sector are: 1. Emilia Romagna: deliberations. Legislative Asst. March 4, 2008, No 156, Adoption Act of guidance and coordination on energy efficiency requirements and procedures of certification of buildings (proposal Regional Council on 16 November 2007, no 1730). Published in the Emilia-Romagna BU March 25, 2008, No 47. Moreover, with Delib.GR October 28, 2008, No 1754 were approved provisions for the training of building energy certification, pursuant to Resolution No. 156.2. Friuli-Venezia Giulia: 23/02/2007 LR No 5, Reform and discipline of urban planning and landscape construction. Published in Friuli-Venezia Giulia BU February 28, 2007, No 9, partially amended by LR October 21, 2008, No 12.3. Lazio: 05/27/2008 LR No 6, regional provisions on sustainable architecture and green building. Published in BU Lazio June 7, 2008, No 21, which provides for art. 9 Certification of a sustainability actions of green building, which also includes data dell'AQE .4. Liguria: LR 29 May 2007, No 22, Rules on energy. Published in Liguria BU June 6, 2007, No 11, Part One. In force since 21 June 2007, partially amended by L. reg.6 June 2008, n. 14, which also adds Rule 8 November 2007, no 6 (BU Liguria Published in November 28th, 2007, No. 19, Part I), the Regulation implementing Article 29 of Law 29 May 2007, No 22: (Rules of energy), in force since December 13, 2007. LR 22/2007 intervened on the LR 24 November 2008, No 42. Regulation 6 / 2007 has been replaced by Regional Regulation No. 22 January 2009 1 (published in BU Liguria of February 4, 2009 No 2), implementing Article 29 of Regional Law No 29 May 2007 22.5. Piedmont, AL May 28, 2007, No 13, Rules on Energy Performance of Buildings. Published in the Piedmont BU 31 May 2007, No 22.6. Puglia: 06/10/2008 LR No 13, Standards for sustainable living. Published in Puglia BU June 13, 2008, No 93, art. 9 provides a certification of the sustainability of buildings. It should also be taken into consideration by September 27, 2007 Reg No 24 (Published in Puglia BU 28 September 2007, No. 138), Regulations for the implementation of Legislative Decree 19 August 2005, No 192, amended by Legislative Decree 29 December 2006, n. 311, in the practice, inspection and maintenance, inspection of heating and air conditioning in the region. 7. Valle d'Aosta: Regional Law April 18, 2008, No 21, Rules on Energy Performance of Buildings. (BU July 8, 2008, n. 28) .8. Lombardy Regional Council Resolution of 22 December 2008 No 8745 in terms of energy efficiency in buildings, approved by the Regional Lombarda last session before the Christmas break: this decision is the latest "Measures relating to energy efficiency in construction approved by the DGR 5018/2007, as amended and supplemented by DGR 5773/2007.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Men Size 15 Ice Skates
buildings Energy certification is a mandatory compliance required by L. 10/91 revised and supplemented by Legislative Decree no. 192/2005 and subsequently recovered from the Leg. 311/06.La energy certification of buildings and in buildings is an obligation and is essentially a certificate (certificate) issued by qualified personnel, can attest to the consumption of existing buildings. Please note this is not a document devoid of content or meaning to our professional signature sostanzialeIl assumes responsibility for what you said for ten anni.Il consumption buildings clearly depends on many factors such as limited and not limited to: type of masonry, degree of illumination, hours of sun exposure, size of windows, there is thermal insulation as well as the type of plants in it contenuti.Produrre certification energy means buildings and then make a statement CONSIDERING that takes all these factors create a complex document called the certificate energetica.Tutta this procedure for building energy certification was needed? The answer is yes although so far only a few regions, including in Lombardy, Emilia Romagna and Liguria have given way to this practice. Energy certification was designed to reduce energy consumption at the global level: as it sceglieun appliance (eg air conditioning) that consumes very little, in a not too distant future we will choose a home not only for the various factors that characterize it today (position , distance and quality of services, noise, etc.. etc.) but also on the basis of its consumption in KW.
With this practice you will soon issue the energy benefits for many categories:
- in the construction industry will be increasingly directed to the restructuring of energy expenditure containment;
- for professionals will develop specific figures operating in the energy sector
- for the cittatini tutti che avranno in mano uno strumento con il quale poter scegliere l’appartamento anche in base ai consumi e non solo in base alla finiture;
- per la Nazione tutta per la ricaduta in termini di sostenibilità energetica e ambientale dovuti al miglioramento delle prestazioni energetiche del parco edilizio.
Geotermica Saval Srl - impianti geotermici di climatizzazione
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Where I Can Make My Donations To Lupus Desease
Dopo oltre tre mesi dall'approvazione in Consiglio dei Ministri, è approdato in Gazzetta Ufficiale il Dpr n. 59 del 2 aprile 2009 recante il Regolamento che definisce le metodologie di calcolo e i requisiti minimi per la prestazione energetica degli edifici e degli impianti termici. Si tratta del Regolamento che attua l'articolo 4, paragraph 1, letters a) and b) of Legislative Decree 192/2005, on implementation of Directive 2002/91/EC on energy efficiency in buildings. Presidential Decree 59/2009, which will take effect June 25, 2009, is one of three decrees of the Legislative Decree 192/2005 and 311/2006, is still missing, therefore, the Presidential Decree on implementation of the letter c) of Article 4, paragraph 1 of the Decree. 192/2005, which will determine the criteria for accreditation of experts and agencies to be entrusted with the energy certification and the interministerial decree (Development-Environment-Infrastructure), in implementing Article 6, paragraph 9 and Article 5, paragraph 1 of Decree. 192/2005. which will outline the application procedures for certification of buildings and will the national guidelines.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Freshmen Initiation Ideas
Article 6 paragraphs from 13 to 19 of Law 388 of 2000 "Provisions for the
formation of the annual budget and multi-state (Finance Act 2001)" has introduced interesting innovations
on how to calculate the taxable income
business, with particular reference to the deductibility of investments in fixed assets
"environmental" incurred. In particular, below, presents the
deduction in respect of investment deductible incurred during the year 2008. The facility is expected
only for small and medium-sized enterprises, as defined by European standards
facilitation. The benefit is embodied in a deduction from the calculation
the tax base for income tax, investment, environmental
incurred during the year 2008. Are considered eligible,
defined environmental, direct those investments to the purchase of tangible
that aim to prevent, reduce and repair damage caused to the environment.
the acquisition is excluded from the purchase through different forms such as lease, rental or other
. Are excluded, then the investment is not capitalized and reported a beni
immateriali. Infine, non rientrano come ammissibili gli investimenti effettuati in rispetto
di specifiche norme, ma solo quelli decisi su base volontaria.
Gli investimenti devono essere investimenti “aggiuntivi”, devono quindi comportare un
miglioramento dell’impatto ambientale dell’azienda rispetto a quanto prima in essere.
Le norme di riferimento prevedono l’obbligo di indicare in bilancio gli investimenti
effettuati e di comunicare la stessa informazione al Ministero delle Attività Produttive
entro un mese dall’approvazione del bilancio. La Risoluzione n. 226/E del 2002
dell’Agenzia delle Entrate, raccomanda vivamente che la stima dei valori da rilevare
are given to persons in charge can issue appropriate certification.
Saval Srl Geothermal - Geothermal turnkey
Friday, May 8, 2009
Pinnacle Tv Centre Pro Change Over
approved the model of the Revenue for work upgrading the energy efficiency
finally ready for the press agency of the entry form provided by the Decree Law 185/2008.
The model, as reported by the Decree, "should be used to communicate the costs incurred from the tax year following the year in progress at December 31, 2008 and is not required where the work started and ended in the same tax year.
For work completed in the period between 1° gennaio 2009 e la data di pubblicazione del presente provvedimento, i dati richiesti sono trasmessi dall'ENEA all'Agenzia dell'Entrate entro il 30 settembre 2009".
Scarica i documenti:
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Atlantis Sound Track Las Vegas
Fonte GV Edilizia
Il complesso "la Ninsola" in via di costruzione in Strada Antica Barbania, a San francesco al Campo, è l'esempio di come sia possibile far convivere con rispetto quasi "antico" manufatti edilizi e natura. Conta cinque ville, quindici appartamenti, quaranta box interrati and benefits of two thousand square meters of green areas that blend with the natural park of Vaude that comes close to its borders. Everything is constructed with traditional rural architecture in Piedmont.
Its construction comes from a new design concept: here it was decided to consider all elements as integral parts of what has been called the "House System". In practice, a chain of logical solutions to improve the functionality of the dwelling as possible especially in terms of energy savings, with careful evaluation cost-benefit for the end user and the highest respect for the environment. All these solutions are ideal in combination with geothermal heating system that closes the chapter of the various combustion systems, because with its attendant release of pollutants into the atmosphere, opens a series that looks at the intelligent use of natural resources and "clean ". "The Ninsola, newly built complex, located in San Francesco al Campo Road in Old Barbania, bordering the municipality of San Carlo, is only three kilometers from the center of Ciriè.Il architectural design incorporates the classic type farms in the Piedmont court enclosed on three sides, leaving the central space common garden that becomes a place of socialization of the complex.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Interview Thank You Email
Already for months the construction sector, a sector that in recent years has had a fundamental role in the growth of Italian GDP, is the focus of reflection.
Source: CNA Jesi
Construction is a sector that is strongly affected by the crisis, but is also an important production sector in the numbers (as of 31/12/2008 24,512 companies expressed well at the regional level that are marked to the Marches a + 476, that is, a +1.97 over 2007) - Stephen Sargentoni stresses, trade union leaders of the NAC and di Jesi Vallesina - and because it engages in towing other sectors. 'S why indicate that the revival of the construction sector as an important catalyst to trigger a strong counter-cyclical effect of periods of crisis, driver of economic recovery. "
"If strategy identifies the action is characterized as a competitive factor of the territories, namely, enhancing the mobility infrastructure: roads, railways, airports, ports, logistics and intermodal. It supports so the application giving employment opportunities but also helps to close the gap with Italian infrastructure and enhancing the competitiveness of the whole system in view of the crisis. -Supports Maurizio Paradisi, President of CNA-Jesi We hope and we denote small and medium operations to be contracted out to local businesses and not to works great with long procurement times that make ineffective the cyclical effect and the ability to evade participation of small and medium enterprises in favor of the giants of the buildings. For example we have a more negative view towards the great and works like the ghostly bridge across the strait that serves only to manage 6 and passes billion euro earmarked for the implementation to organized crime in the hope that you do not build the infrastructure of the tragedies announced. "
"Evident also the contribution to social policy and culture of social cohesion and equity," added Elizabeth Grilli, Collaborator Auditors of the CNA-Vallesina Jesi and since we are talking about measures to increase competitiveness, but also to improve the living conditions of citizens, we think of investment in public housing and popular in school buildings, infrastructure group (ex. sports , libraries, hospitals, water efficient, less wasteful of water resources, ...) but also to infrastructure assets. "CNA di Jesi approving the housing plan that allows Italians to invest in their primary asset, noting that the Italians are a people of investors who always see the brick a good safety. This operation, aimed at simplification, at no cost to the State allows you to release some savings and the availability of liquidity for investors and families.
The possibility of increases in airspace and the incentive to the demolition and reconstruction of old buildings is an opportunity not only to revitalize the building, but also an opportunity to describe the existing stock of old age and poor quality and safety and with poor performance energy contributing to the improvement of urban quality. Interventions that need to be accompanied by proper safeguards: a roof for the extension of exclusion zones to historical, architectural, environmental and landscape beyond the need for coordination with the planning degli enti locali. Le politiche e gli incentivi devono: indirizzare verso i settori definiti “green economy”: bioedilizia, risparmio energetico (coibentazioni, geotermia, solare, ciclo acque, esposizione geografica,…), domotica di supporto alla razionalizzazione nell’utilizzo degli strumenti come il riscaldamento e le luci, l’innovazione di prodotto verso la migliore efficienza energetica come per gli elettrodomestici…che affronta il problema del costo dell’energia (abbinato alla finitezza delle risorse) e dei costi ambientali da energie petrolifere.
Quindi si agli incentivi per la riqualificazione del patrimonio edilizio privato (al 36%) e a sostegno dell’efficienza energetica buildings (55%). review wherever possible the scope of security applications (antisismicità) and strengthen the arrangements for the execution of works and materials. Provide incentives for the safety of buildings. In addition, make further complete the reasoning: release of the Stability Pact for Municipalities "virtuous" to perform work and immediately funded construction sites. in the mechanism of action with a single tax on rental income from the rental rate to 20% together with the introduction of a tax deduction for rentals for residential purposes. Proposal formulated in a way that pushes the leasing of vacant properties and the emergence black because the landlord has the certainty of seeing their income taxed at a rate of 20% dry, while the tenant will receive a significant tax deduction. In addition, tax revenues should not be affected as a result of the emergence of income ever reported.
TAG: The M P I A N T I G E O T E R M I A
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Diamond-studded Grill
Verona Thursday, May 7, 2008 ore 9:00 to 18:00
Fiera di Verona - V.le del Lavoro 8, 37135 Verona - Respighi
The course of eight hours is aimed at architects, engineers, geologists, surveyors, valuers, installers, energy managers, students and individuals. The goal of the training is to enable professionals to reference in a position to deal questa tematica dal punto di vista progettuale, elaborare indicazioni economiche e definire le problematiche di installazione di questo tipo di impianti. È previsto che ogni partecipante riceva il testo “ Geotermia e Pompe di Calore – Basta Minchio 2007 ” oltre a materiale didattico integrativo.
Introduzione agli impianti geotermici
Pompe di calore
Sottosuolo e perforazioni
Sonde geotermiche verticali
Metodi di dimensionamento semplificati
Metodi di dimensionamento analitici
Ground Response Test
Scambiatori alternativi
Sonde geotermiche orizzontali
Metodi di dimensionamento
Sistemi a circuito aperto
Acque di falda e di superficie
Normativa di riferimento
PhD Ing Fabio Minchio; Dr Rimsky Valvassori; Dr Savino Basta
Informazioni ed iscrizioni
Numero verde 800 984 326; mail
Funny Cards N Things Wedding
Verona Thursday, May 7, 2008 ore 9:00 to 18:00
Verona Fair - V . the Labour 8, 37135 Verona - Respighi
The course of eight hours is aimed at engineers geologists, architects, surveyors, valuers, installers, energy managers, students and individuals. The goal of the training is to enable professionals to reference in a position to address this issue in terms of design, process and economic indicators to define the problems of installation of such facilities. It is expected that each participant receives the text " and Geothermal Heat Pumps - Just Minchio 2007" as well as supplementary teaching materials.
Topics: Introduction to
geothermal heat pumps and underground drilling
vertical geothermal probes
sizing methods
simplified analytical methods sizing
Ground Response Test
exchangers geothermal probes horizontal
alternative methods of sizing systems
open circuit
Groundwater and surface
Statement Reference
Ing Fabio Minchio PhD, Dr Rimsky Valvassori; Dr Savino Just
Information and registration
Toll Free 800 984 326; mail
TAG: The M P I A N T I G E O T E R M I A
Saturday, March 7, 2009
The Reader's Edge For Mac
The case of history has been widely presented at the workshop entitled: "The heat of the earth: a resource to be exploited. The case of IKEA Parma and applications advanced geothermal energy ", organized by the Energy Parma February 6.
"In Italy it is urgent legislation governing the applications of technologies related to geothermal energy."
E 'this is the strongest message that emerged from the workshop entitled "The heat of the earth: a resource to be exploited. The case of IKEA in Parma and the most advanced applications of geothermal energy ", which was held February 6, 2009 in Parma, Parma Energy Agency on the initiative in order to investigate technologies and use of Geothermal Energy in civil and industrial applications, in line with policy objectives of the European Community, of which the Agency itself is representative in the territory of Parma.
The study day in the morning was devoted to the theme of 'low enthalpy' (for heat / cool air-conditioned building to use) and in the afternoon, we moved to the analysis of potential linked to the so-called ' high enthalpy '(which produce electricity, uses the heat of hot masses due to the presence of hydrothermal activity or magma). For a complete picture of operations is attached to the program.
The general topic of the comparisons showed that Italy was in fact, with regard to regulations on geothermal energy, is lagging behind compared to Europe, in the lead, we find Germania, Svizzera e Svezia. Il problema più spinoso è l’inquinamento delle falde acquifere che le perforazioni rischiamo di produrre.
Al workshop è stato ampiamente descritto il caso applicativo di IKEA a Parma, un progetto che è stato realizzato grazie anche alla collaborazione dell’Agenzia che ha fatto da tramite con la PA locale. Tra i primi in Italia a credere nella sostenibilità del geotermico, IKEA ha replicato l’esperienza dello store di Corsico (Milano) scegliendo di alimentare anche lo store di Parma con sonde geotermiche. “L’impianto – ha spiegato l’Ing. Sergio Giuseppini, responsabile del progetto per IKEA - è un sistema costituito da 213 geosonde chiuse a sviluppo verticale, con una potenzialità nominale di oltre 1200 kW frigoriferi e di 1200 kW termici che permetterà di risparmiare in un anno ben 2000 barili di petrolio, evitando così l’emissione di un quantitativo di CO2 paragonabile a quello “catturato” da una foresta di oltre 50.000 alberi.”
L’ Ing. Luca Tirillò, capo progetto per Ground Heat Systems International, la società che ha realizzato il sistema, ha spiegato che per evitare l’inquinamento delle falde acquifere hanno utilizzato un’apparecchiatura con tecnologia “a doppia testa di rotazione”. Una parte della macchina, la prima “testa”, appunto, disgrega il terreno, lo frantuma. Un’altra parte della macchina after a few inches covering the hole with a cylindrical shell of metal. This 'metal jacket' says the hole is sealed off the water because the clay that separates adheres perfectly. All debris end up in the mantle and metallic are pushed toward the exit of the hole with compressed air or water.
After removal of debris come off inside the drilling rods so that only refers a column filled with air or water from the armor wire. You insert the probe
geothermal and bottom of the hole injecting cement. The water or air, less dense than cement, they tend to float to the exit of the hole is filled evenly with mortar cement. The final step is to remove the metal coating of the hole: natural pressure for cement is projected against the walls of the hole sealing it tightly. This will ensure that non-communicability of the water and a good conductivity of concrete is essential for the efficiency.
However, this procedure has been questioned by Savino's enough, the Geothermal Saval Srl who spoke on "Principles of design of geothermal systems: methods, costs, turnaround times," suggesting other solutions, alternatives to the 'two-headed machine' and instead of using bentonite coat finish. Of
fondo manca appunto una linea guida ufficiale a tutela delle falde acquifere nelle applicazioni della geotermia.
Un gap che fa perdere all’Italia importanti opportunità. “Nonostante a Parma si siano avute diverse richieste per la realizzazione di impianti geotermici – ha infatti ammesso l’Ing. Gabriele Alifraco, Settore Ambiente Provincia di Parma- il buco normativo sulla materia ha ostacolato e tutt’ora ostacola l’applicazione di questa tecnologia”.
“Eppure - ha sottolineato Sergio Chiesa, CNR-IDPA di Milano - la geotermia è una fonte rinnovabile con tecnologia ad alta efficienza energetica. E’ disponibile 24 ore al giorno senza discontinuità e senza alcuna fluttuazione in qualsiasi weather conditions, can be found uniformly in any region of the territory and does not require moving expenses and replacement over time as the material used is chemically inert and assures the maintenance of performance. In the debate on the choice of energy resources in Italy is not analyzed in depth the concept of sustainability. Instead the Swiss geothermal their support for years under the principle of sustainability. " In terms of legislation
Eng. Gabriele Alifraco, reflecting on what was the most correct procedure for the organization to fill the gap analyzed the regulatory region of Emilia Romagna, in particular those relating to the Impact Assessment (EIA). "There is no time for a joint examination of the complex issues posed by geothermal operations with all relevant bodies and the Environmental Services, Energy, Programming. - Complained Alifraco - also to protect the aquifers at risk of contamination during the drilling would be needed prior authorization of the intervention in order to preserve a resource so vital. Protecting water resources is and should be the goal of any action on geothermal energy. We need more clarity for all. "
"In Italy - Sergio Chiesa added - missing, with rare exceptions, a clear and consistent rules for probes geotermiche in generale e per le differenti tipologie di impianto in particolare, mentre in ambito europeo esistono, invece, degli standard e dei codici ben precisi su efficienza, sicurezza e durata degli impianti; sulla protezione ambientale relativa alla tecniche di perforazione e di posa degli scambiatori; sul rilascio di concessioni per lo sfruttamento della risorsa geotermica e sulla certificazione di abilità e qualità di installatori e perforatori. ” Il ruolo dell’Agenzia Parma Energia di supporto progettuale tecnico scientifico verso le strutture della PA e divulgativo-informativo a tutti i soggetti privati e pubblici interessati ai temi dello sviluppo delle fonti di energia rinnovabile si riconferma dunque quanto mai indispensabile.
Source: Communication Areté
TAG: The M P I A N T I G E O T E R M I A
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Mortgage Interest Table
The Polo School, after approval of the EPP 'ex Borma area, with successive stages, is taking shape to transform the feasibility studies in buildings. Currently, community leaders are engaged in finding optimal solutions that achieve a work that, in addition to ensuring that all students learn in the best environmental and educational uses as possible sources of renewable energy and building materials ecocompatibili.L ' introduction is required to announce by the Councillor for Public Works and School Julie Ice, "in upcoming meetings with the head teacher of media Bella, Professor Gatti, operators with the school, union representatives and architects of the Province. Meetings are considered introductory evolution towards the school buildings of Polo, to be built, after approval of the PPE occurred during the City Council of 28 November. "He also claims the commissioner Ice cream:" Today the level of detail allows us to sketch out some of the lines that characterize the construction project, first of all the energy game for Polo school that is a model for the use of advanced technologies. First of all the geothermal , which is a fantastic resource in our area, as we are experiencing at the Convention Center area Bathroom with excellent results. "No less attention is given to the development of viable network to enable fast access and efficient flow . Always Councillor Ice says: "It is astonishing to read disappunto nelle parole del Pd, riguardo al contributo di 1.900,00 euro dato dal privato e pare evidente che l'area di 8 mila metri quadrati, concessa a titolo gratuito, e il contributo previsto sino alla costruzione dell'ultima soletta dell'edificio della scuola materna consegnata "chiavi in mano" siano una considerevole partecipazione da parte del privato all'interesse pubblico. Evidente anche che il completamento degli impianti del medesimo edificio e dell'arredo sarà a carico dell'amministrazione comunale, che si troverà comunque sgravata di un costo di quasi due milioni di euro".
TAG: I M P I A N T The G E O T E R M I A